flugust 2003 Be Careful What You Wish For. Darya Douglas David Lam Contributor Last term, the Student’s Union implemented a policy change to student fees, which includes a hefty sur- charge for a new extended Health and Dental Plan. This charge will be levied on all students who are enrolled in three or more classes, unless they can prove they already have extended health and dental. The fee will be charged at enrollment time, and only reim- bursed after proof is received. It is a lot of money to many students, and the Student's Union not allowing an opt-out option prior to taking payment is neither feasible nor fair. While this plan was undoubtedly motivated by good intentions, some students simply cannot afford, and do not need extended health and dental coverage. The downside to this extra non-optional cost imposed by the Student ‘s Union is that this fee makes taking more than two classes cost prohibitive for some students. Although we all have a right to vote, and really should be aware of Student's Union policy changes in advance, many students have their plates full with their studies, and do not have time to constantly monitor these changes. Making this fee mandatory is not fair, and places unnecessary financial hardship on already financially stressed people. It is also potentially harmful to the college. If stu- dents who would normally enroll in three or more Opinions ¢ the other press © classes per term are dropping back to only two classes in order to opt out of this exorbitant extra cost, the College will not be realizing maximum class enrol- ment per student, and some students will take longer to achieve their goals. Perhaps the Student’s Union should rethink this fee, and make extended medical/dental coverage an optional insurance expense, as opposed to a mandato- ry fee unless one qualifies to opt out. We are adults, and deserve to be given the opportu- nity to exercise freedom of choice regarding the addi- tional insurance coverage we choose to pay for. Top Five Places To Eat Around The David Lam Campus The Pho Hoa Noodle Soup House by Petcetera is awesome, and inexpen- sive. Next door to that is a great Boston Pizza.. Across the parking lot is the almost elegant Rib Joint, (super filling yummy meat food) The salad bar at the David Lam Campus cafeteria ROCKS! Death by Chocolate, we don’t admit this often, but...! Top Five Places To Procrastinate Around The David Lam Campus Recreation Centre (just outside the cafeteria). The swimming pool/gym is an awesome facility. The lake across the street is a great place to chill, think, read or relax. In addition to the library on campus, there is a public library a block away. And, of course, the mall. .(with beer). y the Other Press Ad (regulaur $270) or 604-523- 1490 © Special for September 1/2 Page Ad is now $140 Call Odin @ 604- ae 3942 >» In SADC with: SRDC SEDI loarmeng what work * WANTED! Part-time students of limited income who are ready to make a change. Going to school part-time? Working but don’t make a lot of money? The Government of Canada can help with college costs by matching every $1 you save with $3 more. Turn $10 per month into $40! 1200 people have already joined. How about you? Call lear nSave» to see if you qualify! Time is running out. ears 450 spaces left. Call Tamia at 604-517-5999 Funded by: Bod oc, Multiply your savings! In 0 collabor ition with: loppement des ressources humaines Canada New Westminster Community Development Society www.newwestced.bc.ca All Clothing, All Coats, All Records, All Belts, All Purses All Shoes and Boots $1.00 per item, no limits! 527 Front St., New Westminster Open Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 10am - 4pm Weekdays liam - 4pm Phone: 604-816-9961 y http://www.otherpress.ca Page 15