December 18, 1989 Dear Other Press, So that’s it, is it? The strike is over and everything is back to nor- goes‘on as usual does it? Then will someone please tell me why I still have a sickly feeling down deep in my gut? Someone was telling me, " Yeah, man, the strike was a real drag, but look at how the faculty and the management are bending over backwards to try and get us through this semester." was a good point I suppose; my english and business classes have definitely been shor- tened, to such an extent that things may be easier for me because of the strike. (shhhh!) No final exams and no English classes after Christmas. And hey, all this wasn’t so bad was it? aybe I was just one of the lucky ones, being able to work most of the days during the strike, like many other students, but still, what about that bothersome gut feeling? It’s the way one feels when you know that you will be okay, but are still angry that such events could Other Press even take place at all. ; The tension and built up ang displayed by us all at the rau rallies was very real, wasn’t it? [ guess that'll take a little time to go) away. I know, I know, I should probably just count my blessings and consider myself lucky that the; semester wasn’t lost..but when I) returned to class on Monday and realised that a few of my friends, a) small but significant number, would not be returning to Douglas, it just made me wonder. | Withdrawing from an almost completed semester must have; been a real drag.. And I almost did it too. A real part of me was saying, | "Withdraw, man!!! That'll show| those buggers what we think of their piss-poor attitudes" Ah withdrawal, the big "W", the ultimate protest. Part of me ad- mires those who were able to go through with it. This time, in a’ sense patience was a virtue--What an education this has been!!! I guess we've all got to do what we honestly believe in, and that will fee#iv right not to publish '@ sexist, racist inevitably lead to conflicts. Is that wobic, or warmongering in really true? Ugh. I suppose I will ature. Opinions expressed in the best be able to express my feelings Pier Press are not necessaril for this college in September 1990, when I get the hell out of here...(You’ve pissed me off and I want to boycott you) luded), an must _ subr Do I feel any better now? t the student's full name and Yup, I do. student number. Names will be Terry Berting [’##held upon request. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All these vaunted speeches, By the well-heeled flowered lapels, Never seem to go beyond the reaches, Of the oaken paneled rooms, Where my government dwells. A BACHLORETTE’S DAMNATION Since my occupation of this dreary suite, I hasten To be here more than neccessary Fond of bugs I’ve never been: ten-legged, striped or hairy But besides my detestation of (eek!) bug co-habitation Most intolerable of all, it sucks-this wretched suffocation The utmost dreaded kind: of the mind Now, to confirm my just suspicions of a mindly malcondition I sought a diagnosis from a doctor. His prognosis? "Very dim indeed. Although you may succeed in curing your "matter" of this disease. My advice? Get out of that shack! Dear girl your’re a full-fledged claustrophobiac!! Quite resigned was I to face this fact Relayed to me with Dear doc’s tact and in a haste to depart my place-I forgot my Raid! Uh Oh, but not to worry, since I’ve found new spacious quarters Lost for good my brain(s) disorder And have not yet glance upon one thing that’s Furry as it scurries Now instead I’ve got warm memories of my dreary suite Where Id never heeded The importance of having one’s new spacio to an With swelling words of wonderous plans, They wrestle scholastics upon the plate, To cut and slash with calloused hands, That which has burned too lean And lives in low estate. Small wonder that inside our college walls, Where pinch-packet and cheap-skate now rule, The standard often slips and stalls, To the tune of the party birds call Make-Do, Make-Do, Make-Do. R. Bogle us quarters heated. dear santa, I have bin good rite? So I want a race car set a Lego space space ship a drum set a mountain bike a skis a new lunch Pial and that puppy I saw barking at me in the pet store window last Dear Santa, Eat a bag of shit! You never anymore). I just have a couple of needs. Here’s my wish list: Asa at in B.C., I don’t : fut eee list. I would great- : A new premier, This year my list is quite short. havea very long list. I would ¢ gave me anything I ever wanted! premier, — First, on behif of my daughter, I'd ly appreciate your consideration of 4, mom says you're not even reall A new prime minister (prefer- like a little less pollution. You ™y list. ne And I don’t like your red suit! And tably female), know, so she can play outside and This year I would like: you probably couldn’t fit in my: A pair of socks; be able to breathe and see the ‘ chimney anyways, fatso! Nyaaah! A healthy baby; beautiful scenery. Also, I'd like A better education system, No more Evangelical sex scan- you to try to do something about Books, , Name witheld ’cause I still want dals; certain fisher-types who insist on A term paper for philosophy, my train Complete world peace and dis- using driftnets, (ashes in their and armament: rite ve ieee oy a *MONBY, Cash, Bucks, Dear Santa, Lots of chocolate; peace : ican, lots : : a tough order to fill but I’m sure, — igre ae I would like to get somting for Ne anCmE aK ; with a little co-operation, T'llget all 1» Sm#" non-sea ‘mommy. The winning numbers for —___ Maybe youcan’tdoalllof them, i wane 2 6 49 I think. Roseanne right now, but I’m willing to take chael B tt Thank you Santa, I hope the _ Bt gi ; rainchecks. ‘As they say on the Rachael Burnett eives and Mrs. Claus are doing Deaf Santa, | ., North Pole, "We tried to make a P.S. I wouldn’t mind some wei}. ] also joined a club for the /'m cia ae oe better life for everyone, but it got cash either... prevention of cruelty to reindeer, time (I got si y fucked up in the bandsaw." inj uickly Sincerely, Dave Mutant Ninja Turtle pretty quickly eS ; ‘ last year, so I don’t want toys Thanks, _ Tim Crumley -«