President's Report highlights- October n October 2, 3, and 4, I attended a ()*« of meetings and workshops with the Council of Chief Executive Officers and the Joint Council of the AECBC. At the dinner on October 3, new College Presidents were formally welcomed by their colleagues in the system. I have attended two Department Meetings in the last month - one with Psychiatric Nursing and the other with Child, Family and Community Studies. Meetings with other Departments have been scheduled, and more will be arranged over the next few months. A series of regular meetings with the heads of the three associations has begun. I have met with Roslyn Dixon, President of the DCFA, Triena Marples, Chair of the BCGEU Bargaining Unit, and Katrina Lennax, President of the DCSS. Roberta Bend, Chair of Education Council, and I have also established a routine of regular meetings. These meetings are vital communication links for all of us, and it is my hope that they will continue in a spirit of co-operation and problem-solving. MNsoe_eorwario INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Public Information Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear on December S. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, November 15. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 As mentioned in my last report, a series of meetings with members of the media has begun, with the assistance of Brad Barber. To date, I have been able to talk about Douglas College and its future directions with a reporter from the Vancouver Sun and the Royal City Record. Brad and I will continue with a proactive media strategy. On October 12, Peter Greenwood and I met with Ministry of Skills, Training & Labour staff to discuss the Pinetree Way campus. Our discussions centred around FTEs at opening, and operating dollars to run the campus. While in Victoria, the Ministry Directors and I were able to get acquainted, and I was briefed on responsibilities of each Ministry unit. Our Pinetree FTE are tracking as expected. Implementation of our new organizational model continues. John McKendry and I will be meeting with a number of departmental spokespersons to hear their remaining concerns. I expect that closure will have been achieved by the end of the year. I Note from the Thomas Haney Centre Counsellor Steve Norris has compiled a directory of resources in Maple Ridge for students needing support services within the community. The booklet is available at Thomas Haney Centre. Steve’s successful career workshops are also reaching out to both the community and to the high school. His October 19 workshop attracted several grade 11 and 12 students, some of whom have now signed up for a concurrent studies course at the College. I Note from the Lincolin Centre A new partnership announced October 18 at Douglas College brings relevant and timely training available to Lower Mainland high-tech professionals. Representatives of the Richmond High-Tech Consortium, Ministry of Skills, Training and Labour, Douglas College’s Centre 2000, and Kwantlen University College were on hand to provide details on the new partnership program, which gives local high-tech professionals easy access to relevant training and to stay on the cutting edge in their fields. Douglas College is the satellite downlink site for video seminars presented by North America’s leading experts, designed to help technical professionals stay abreast of the latest developments in their fields. For more information, call Cathy Griffin at 945-8977. I