DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES = The atmosphere of any particular school will be greatly influenced by the degree to which it functions as a coherent whole, with agreed ways cf doing things which are consistent throughout the school and which have the general support of all staff. - Teachers and school administrators agree that the combined effect of the school is much more powerful than the individual teacher effect on student academic achievement. = In schools with good outcomes, decisions tended to be made by administration after consideration of the views of the whole staff. = Group Planning provides opportunities for teachers ta encourage and support one another. In effective schools, Planning was a group matter, generally based in departments with joint curriculum planning. In less effective schools, teachers worked on their own to a mucn greater extent with the consequence that often there was little coordination between teachers in the same department. = The greater the group agreement on crucial issues. the areater the tolerance which is possible for individuality and idiosyncracy on other matters. = ExXam successes were more frequent and delinquency less common in schools where discipline was based on general expectations set by the school (or house or department). rather than left to individual teachers ta work out for themselves. = Discipline will be easier to maintain if the pupils appreciate that it relates to generally accepted approaches and does not simply represent the whims af the individual teacher. = Teachers need the opportunity to take responsibility in. ta feel rewarded by, and to identify with, the school. = Consistent attention was qiven by the orincipal as to whether or not instructional behaviours af teachers contributed to pupil learning by being in classes, being knowledgeable about what is happening, giving support and guidance. = Principais partake in and respond to criticism, i.e@., they are able to suggest a repertoire of ways for teachers ta Overcome a problen, thus becoming an instructor and creditable resource for the teacher.