a meee — | 3] 2' = i 7 > * ll 1 ’ 1 | ie > u in ‘ - a | f aid ™ Be nna La LS) ; 1 i; z) ny : oh i aor ie a I . 3 F fa it = : aa ea i Dae _ | DOUGLAS COLLEGE | - . deen se ts | ! iy ’ , a aA | The attached. Generact Servi ices Pol ioe wa was none ved | tn - Manager nent Committee on February 14 ae vane rie Ay as He now be presented to ‘the College Board ea roval . a. | at a ee 4 1 1 } 7 L f J a \ “ . A mt ly Jim Doerr. fa ; 1 ) rhe i " a ie - 1 ' “<5 if a+, if ; Mm i A ire | : aul . 7 i A iy ' - : : | = ; pe eee is 7 - Pig Salat : } a Ae a Le } : POLICY: > pate Lit A eeee hen nee ime Hala Sia re ta rs et = ; Lin ing he a apie 44, Let, it AT ‘ , ff. : ; 1 r < / el." Uy ; AIT Departments of Douglas College may provide services on a rine CURA ah ned 7 contract or fee for service basis, ty addition to those services funded sR pe it ’ under the public, mandate of the cortege. eh mh + tA ee es | AIT existing College curricula can be made available ona : a! ‘A contract or fee for service basis. om - Cie ut Mel 7 ! aL . . i nd “ i i an | l a r wh i cs : 7 im - i i . ekencet services| ae activities hie are. proven, ona Melfi a ae i cost recovery basis using funds generated from the contract or contracts. peel ae i Contract ‘services are not funded from the “normal operating budget of the nla. Aaa i College. These services may. include, but are, not necessarily limited vd if if needs assessment, program planning and curricula d development , cored and i sine sf _ informal instruction and evaluation. — ~~ lt “i aoe f } / ae { ; 3 ; r ' ' 4 | l 1 iz Ar - The Dean of Community Programs and Services is the formal staft if, =“ I ¥ J = ii if ¢ officer responsible for all contracts for services offered by ' ts | : Douglas College. . | . s I = ma oe : q ll wt cf | , *; a ty ‘at i The: identification, negotiation, and provision of sential services, ee [r IE may be carried out by departmental chatraen/directors in consultation ar : eh ode i iy with, and with the “approval ¢ of, the eppropriate Dean and the Dean of a, Fa! Fa uh 7 i 1 a / Community Programs and Services. - During the negotiati on 1 Of specific: ; ts wi contracts, the Deans involved must be kept ‘informed of al 1 proposals . hee fi ir el eo bee Bri: 1 ey ‘made on behalf of Douglas ( coltege. 3 Hy ni 3 eS See ’ ‘ 3. Contracts” and proposals, will “nommally ‘include such items as budgets, he ey | ue __— Staffing plans and curriculum, The Deans wilT work with the Bo a: ia