the Canadian College Athletic As- sociation championships have re-. turned after a much colder week in Montreal and much tougher competi- tion than can be found in B.C. Linda MacPherson defeated Manitoba to come 7th and Damian Chang and Tony Kho managed a 5th. uebec took all the badminton golds. Douglas College will host the CCAA Women's basketball championships in '86 and our first goal will be to provide athletes with the same kind of exciting well-organized competi- tion and cameraderie as was experi- enced by our athletes. tee ee to have arrived and Le "Ss ame to think about Murphy's Saturday and pes are always much shorter than Monday and mei at PR you are down with the flu, in which case the reverse is true! Law No. Betty Lou Hayes ANOTHER MISSING LINK? Last Saturday evening I had the bee ee of hearing Professor K. Bloch from the Department of Chem- istry, Harvard University, givea lecture on the chemistry of evolu- tion. Much of what he said about the emer ogy of evolution I could understand and it was _no fault of his that much of the detailed ex- planation was like a Ponetaa langu- aie to me. However, when Prof. Bloch concluded his lecture with a slide showing the following quota- tion from Aristotle: "Nature is the end, and what each thing is when fully developed, we call nature"..., I was encouraged to ask the following question: "When one combines biology with pie ee eny «ban I say that events. ike Auschwitz were peculiar chemi- cal problems and that my own moral reaction is nothing more than my own peculiar chemical reaction?". Anticipating the reaction from the chairperson, I added the following question: "Or must I wait for another evening when I can conveniently forget about chemistry and discuss the. mor- et issue in isolation from chemis- Ey? . MAD HATTER PAGE 6 My anticipation was correct. My questions were ruled out of order on the basis of being unfair and irrel- evant. Unfair perhaps, but hardly irrelevant. Surely if Aristotle was correct then the one aspect that I can demand from science is that it peeve continuity. In this case, he chemical evolution of man and the moral nature of man. Perhaps next week, when the topic will centre on the environment and the dangers to man's continued ex- istence on this planet, I will be able to ask the next question: "Where, in the chemical evolution of man did the premise arise that my continued existence in this un- iverse should matter either to my- self or to the universe?". Or will the ensuing week provide a sufficient time petted to jump the gap between the hypothesis of man's evolution and the moral question . of man's continued existence in his natural environment. Al Harms RESUME WORKSHOP The Student Finance and Placement Office will be bel ding two Resume Workshops on Friday, April 6 from 1000 to 1100 hours and 1400 to 1500 hours in room 2710. If students wish to register for either workshop there is a step oe sheet in the Student Finance Depart- ment. GRADUATE PLACEMENT The Student Finance and Placement Office is compiling a registry of graduating students seeking employ- ment. We will be Bago up stud- ents on April 5, 1000 to 1400 hours in the concourse. Students who are unable to sign up at that time will be able to contact our office on April 6, or later, to register. This registry will be available for use to refer students to employers wishing to hire our graduates. | | | | | | |