SECTIUN IX: COLLEGE GUAL ANU UBJECTIVE STATEMENTS 1983-1988 GOAL A - GOVERNANCE: THE MAINTENANCE UF AN EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE AUDVISURY SYSTEM FUR DECISIONS RELATING TO POLICY, PROGRAMS, AND SERVICES. UBJECTIVE A:l The role of the Colleye Board shall conform to the Colleye ana Institute Act, Part 4, Sections 12-13-14-15. UBJECTIVE A:2 There shall be systematic and representative advice to the board relating to policy, proyrams, and services. UBJECTIVE A:3 There shall be external Advisory Committees for all programs offered within the College, made up of knowledyeable and responsible representatives. The role of these Advisory Committees is to make recommendations to the College on all aspects of employment opportunities, curriculum, and transferability to other colleges and institutes. Advisory Committees will meet at least once each year and more frequently as necessary.