rer ay ft ( i > A an bow LO WiLA ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 11 The Process of Change The governance structure as approved by the College Board is an interim system. As such, rolling adjustments and elaborations to the system should be made by the groups involved, in communication with each other, with approval by the College President during the period January 1, 1982 - December 31, 1982. Effective January 1, 1983, the College Governance Steering Committee will be reconvened, and carry out a review and evaluation of the governance system by March 31, 1983. At that time, its recommendations will be broadcast to the College as a whole, and commentary received and incorporated in a final report and recommendation to the College President. The ensuing final report to the College Board will confirm the structure, powers and processes of governance for the College, subject to change by due process. The general principles of the processes of change of the governance system are: (a) The procedures for change will be consistent with the basic philosophy of the governance system itself - that is, it should involve those with expertise and relevant responsibility, and those who would be affected by the change. (b) Generally, change at any level will be proposed to and approved by the superordinate level]. That is, a proposed variance from the general model by a Departmental Committee should be approved by the Divisional Committee. Any change proposed within the College-wide Policy and Planning Committee should be approved by the College Board. (c) Initiatives not clearly fitting in categories (a) and (b) would properly belong in section | - that is subject to direct proposal to the College President, and approval. This latter approach will be useful only during this one- year interim or trial period of the governance system.