Range of Grants Attention is drawn tc the last sentence of paragraph 3 of the Regula- tions, stating that the normal range of the Foundation’s grants runs from $500 to $3,000. Only under most exceptional circumstances are grants made in excess of this range. It is also essential that applicants indicate, in their answer to the question provided on the application form, whether they have access, or are applying, to other sources of funds. It should be appreciated that the competition for grants from the Foundation's limited annual income is severe, with the Projects Committee and the Board nearly always being faced, in both the spring and the fall, with applications for grants totalling as much as three times the amount available for distribution. Consequently, a large grant reduces the chances of success of other applications, and therefore such a grant is only likely to be made for a project that is special in its quality and is strongly supported by senior authorities of the university or college. Type of Project Close attention should be given by applicants to the summarised Objectives of the Foundation. Without limiting the generality of these - particularly the restrictions set ovt in the second paragraph of the Objectives - it may be stated that the Foundation does not look favourably upon applications for projects that appear to be extensions of regular university or college curricula that should find a place in the normal educational budget, nor on those that appear to relate to a somewhat narrow technical field, aor for travel outside British Columbia for research or study purposes.