fate, ie se 7, eV ; ‘LEARNED SOCIETIES (CONFERENCE SCHEDULE « comand: x ’ ve 5 ns - 24 Dates UNOen h SON ene Percus ee ia Boe a. | ayal Society of Canada (RS Cg eg ea = ny Way mabe one's 100 its aoe oa dia = Be he ones a ee et Ppl) 2a8 | May mai - June /juin oe , as Pe a : ' ae er ances Sociales (FCS) eye! ry Ere ) o a . 7 rei ‘SS May / mai (12 Association Ca Penwacoe | i ae ne _ May / mai ie th 24 25 26 a jan Sac ay forthe Phi | hy of Sci i iPS — ~~ — eee I p ‘May/mai anadian , ior me ey des = oe ee “$5 a 7 ' 25, 26. ———— e ae —— Mayet ral: 24, 25, Zon Rey mai Association of Canadian University Teachers of Eng oeialion on a ates ak ss ‘Literature Association (CCLA) era adi re de Littérature Compan 0 (ACL) ee a sil SB, ~~ —Canalan Society isto ‘and Philosophy of Math | 30 Sa Usa a Ps a "as Canadian Phil Association Canadienne de Philosophie ie (ACP) Lae Srl ee Esa ARBRE a May i fee iss 24, 25, 26, 27 May / mai he 34 beet 4 eit ek, ony tt! nals! | —— = ae ee ee ae 41 “Soci 6 de Mus ods Cnivorstes ¢ ademas (SUC) ts Te 26, 27,28 | May / mai ¢ s Pri ee oe a __Association des Directeurs de Dépar m May / mai oa 50 ges du Canada (ADDE! C fame eas | n 3 “May /mai Pie 1 Cana RES ~ Ganadian Socie a ae 4 i$ See ae | 7, 28 “ ree aren Eo Canada Society for Hermeneutic Ci Gohas ne ry May Pmai 233 dan Socal (DHemaneainne e (SCH) : owt: (27,20. adian Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations (C: csc) Tee TS Od — May/mai 10— Sate caeat ne | pour Fetude C wvileations (SCE CEG) Bo Sem —_——— . =--- —— SS : ; We. 20) © ' Soci niversi ‘German (C UT ae Z mai 23 Associaton des Prooseu eur ‘Sale a or Gerran {s ian 27, 28,29 in Studi HS) me ey fies Sooo (ACEH) ith a etre ane = - ee iow i ae ee Shoat Gin Vmne Canad Aseoclaton of Hispania sis (CA ‘ia May / mai 24 ee ‘anadienne des Hisp Ispanstes (ACH) be ti - 27, 28, 29, 30. eh Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures (ACQL) ie us ten ‘mai i lt ects 7 Resociaton doe ttleh ures: quebec Uranres FOOU (ALCQ) — Le tet Me ee Uy 7, 28,28; ge sociation of Music Libraries (C Slr Se Beenie a eae ee , hey mai 103 As Sia Case ts SG (ACBM) : tor G 27,28,29,30 = = 4. Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE! nil Te a ae a ae alpine ‘May /mai TOR ee ey ee , E | ah Sta ry Beaty i n Association | of Chairmen of English Perera i res ery _ May re Cc anadienne des Présidents d _ imi