DOUGLAS COLLEGE ee ereee eine TO The Mad Hatter Oate Nov. 24, 1975 FROM Gerry DellaMattia DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRAR ARCHIVES ? eF Class Schedule As the last revisions to Divisional Class Schedules were submitted on November 21, 1975, the 1976 Spring and Summer Schedules will not be available for distribution fi a“ “ GDM: gr in DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO TO Mad Hatter DATE. 24 Nov 75 FROM: Campus Supervisor RE Long Distance Telephone Calls REMEMBER any and all long distance telephone calls must be charged to the applicable department via that departments credit card. Credit card number available from the department steno. NOTE Long distance calls to North Vancouver can be made free of charge from Surrey Campus by dialing 7 #9+ applicable number. acd NOV 2 41975 mas a Vireiwe- wo) ime he BY: