Humour Think you're funny? Contact us at & Exorcism successfully banishes spirit of teamwork from office staff Satan’s influence over friendly, congenial employees cast back to hell By Liam Britten, Chief Demonic Editor hen Maria Corrado, office manager at law firm Feinman, McCarthy and Spitz, saw that everyone in her staff was getting along on Monday morning, she knew something was up. “Tt was the weirdest thing. No one was screaming at the mail guy, the paralegals were being treated with respect, and even the boys from IT were in a good mood. I knew something must have been really wrong,” she told The Other Press. Luckily, Corrado knew what she was dealing with—rather, who she was dealing with—Satan. “Oh yeah, I knew it was the Dark Lord himself as soon as I saw everyone acting like civilized human beings, cooperating, getting things done in a cordial manner. No question.” It was obvious to her: Satan himself had risen up from the depths of hell and possessed all of her employees with the spirit of teamwork. Many Canadians would have panicked at the mere thought of a mass demonic possession of this magnitude. However, Corrado knew what she was doing. Her first call, after barring every door, window, and fire escape, was to Westminster Abbey in Mission, where she enlisted the help of trained professionals— professionals like Fr. Joseph Nedved, a Benedictine monk and exorcist with 12 years experience. “Oh yeah, you don’t want to be messing around with something like demonic possession. And getting teamwork out of someone is like getting grass stains out of a wedding dress,” he said. “It takes, patience, care, a solid rattan cane for beatings, and of course, Jesus.” What followed was a gruelling, four-day trial by fire that subjected the employees at Feinman, McCarthy and Spitz to starvation, dousing with cold water, uncomfortable confinement, sleep deprivation, forced chanting, a coffee break, then more confinement. While it took almost a full week and the loss of several important clients, the office was eventually declared free of Satan’s influence. “T knew everything was back to normal once I came in on Monday and saw the staff at each other’s throats,” said Corrado. “Gossip, disrespect, even racial slurs. It was the perfect litigation environment. And I owe it all to Father Nedved’s excellent work.” Try telling that to the ever- modest friar. “T was just doing the Lord’s work. Nothing to it really,” Nedved said. “And besides, teamwork is nothing. Have you ever tried exorcising the spirit of charity? Or friendship? Saints preserve us!” New Settlers of Catan game includes realistic portrayal of colonial atrocities Human rights groups call game, ‘shockingly irresponsible, but great fun’ By Liam Britten, Chief Racist Board Game Editor erman board game manufacturer Kosmos is taking heat this week for publishing a new version of its popular board game Settlers of “You can’t include smallpox- laden blankets in a children’s game,” said National Anti-Racism Council of Canada spokesperson Estella Muyinda. “It completely trivializes the horrific, genocidal impact of European racism on indigenous peoples. And even “In the game's home nation of Germany, the illegal, underground far-right board game magazine Ein Volkspeoplengamenmagazinen gave the new version of Settlers “10 out of 10” praising its “accurate depiction of European domination’ of the world, and its appeal to young children.” Catan that offers “the most realistic, brutal portrayal of Europe’s civilization of the world’s far-flung reaches ever played by ages 10 and up,” in the words of the publisher. Human rights groups, however, see the game a little differently. 22 worse, it completely unbalances the game. Every time we've played the game around the office, whoever gets that stupid card wins the game. Totally overpowered.” The game is similar to conventional Settlers of Catan games. The objective is to obtain points by building towns, cities, roads, and armies. However, the new version adds additional ways to earn points, including establishing apartheid, extinguishing native languages, building residential schools, and building the longest Road of Tears. Resource collection remains a key aspect of the game, although new ones have been added. While stone, brick, wood, wheat, and sheep still exist, the addition of slaves, blood diamonds, looted cultural treasures, opium, and unfairly obtained furs add what Kosmos calls, “a new dimension that allows the true creativity and strategic forethought of players to shine through in the destruction of inferior civilizations the world over.” Rosa A. Eberly, communications professor at Penn State University, said that while the game is certainly reprehensible, it’s not without precedent. “Tt reminds me very much of when Hasbro developed a version of Risk that included Nazi death camps and the bombing of civilian targets. Or the Southern U.S. version of Monopoly that allows players to hire illegal Mexican immigrants for half pay,’ Eberly told The Other Press.“And historically, board games have been just as controversial. Few are actually aware that the original inspiration for chess was the y European knights’ desire to re-live the massacre following the Siege of Jerusalem following the First Crusade.” Reaction to the game has not all been negative. In South Africa, white citizens are reportedly buying the game in droves. In the game’s home nation of Germany, the illegal, underground far- right board game magazine Fin Volkspeoplengamenmagazinen gave the new version of Settlers “10 out of 10” praising its “accurate depiction of European domination” of the world, and its appeal to young children. As in all Settlers of Catan games, players earn points by completing tasks. The new version is no different. Here are some examples of such tasks: * Sign unequal treaties * Destroy cultural traditions * Buy land for buttons * Play one tribe against another ¢ Introduce alcohol * Forcibly convert natives to Christianity * Conquer China ¢ Be white