NEWS Canada In Afghanistan (What do you think?) Nicole Burton, News Editor Brent Morley, OP Contributor Last week, Douglas students took part in a 3rd annual, province-wide “Student Week Against War and Occupation.” The event happened only months after a number of significant decisions were made around changes in the Canadian military. We wanted to see what the student body thought about these decisions, so last week, we posed five questions to students. A selection of their responses are below. 1. “What do you think about the decision to double the Canadian military budget from $12.8 billion to $26 billion?” “T agree. Definitely. It should be increased. Look at the number of incidents on the East Coast with the Sea r: . . See King helicopters. It shows how much of a risk person- nel are taking. Whether it’s for the machines or the per- sonnel, I’m in favour of it.” —Arthur Lunn, Sports “Pretty stupid! There’s no point in it. They should spend it on school and health care. I think it’s a waste of money.” —