Nick Hogg, OP Game Ghaul Instead of doing my normal thing by reviewing just one game, I’m going to take a look at classic horror games, and use bad puns like “Spooktacular.” Why, you ask? Because I’ve been locked in the base- ment without my GBA SP to provide light and it’s all dark and scary down here. So what better thing do I have to do in the dark then tell scary stories about video games that I’ve played? It will be just like ghost stories around the campfire (minus the camp and the fire). Speaking of fire it’s very cold down here. The most classic of the classic scary series is the Resident Evil series. (An inter- esting fact about this series is that the games are called Biohazard in Japan, but because some crappy metal band has that name it had to be called Resident Evil over here.) First off, these games aren’t.“scary” scary, they’re campy, horror-movie scary. Take Resident Evil 2, the only really scary thing about that game is the fact that a small-town police department has a sta- tion larger than Douglas complete with its own library, clock tower, College, and historic art wing. Not to mention the three-story marble lobby decorated with a Qetaber 27/2004 fancy statue fountain. I mean really, there are zombies all about, but I can’t get over how expansive the police station’s library is. I must take time to point out that the most horrifying part of Resident Evil, as a series, is that you can’t go anywhere with- out the aid of three keys, a couple of crests, some sort of jewel, and in most cases, some kind of crank. But this is still a somewhat scary and the campy-ness factor, which fun series. Now to is basically determined by how old the game is. If you pick up the origi- nal Resident Evil, or two and three for that matter, you can expect a campy but enjoyable romp with guns and zombies. These games also include completely outlandish settings, like the mansion with its own underground | scientific research facility and the giant small-town police station , complete with art museum, library, and secret underground research facility. The GameCube remake of Resident Evil 1 and Resident Evil 0 come off a lot more serious, being i slightly more realistic, or as realistic as something concerning zombies can get. Bottom line, there is lots of zombie shooting, lots of weird puzzles, and at about six hours a pop, it makes for a decent scary evening, On the other hand, it just doesn’t get any scari- er than Silent Hill (Note: there is no hill of which they speak of in the title, nor is the game silent). I think this basement has a gas leak or something. My jokes seem to be get- ting worse. Si/ent Hill seems to take perverse pleasure in freaking you out and disorientating players. In what other game are you equipped with only a tiny flashlight to discover gruesome wallpaper that bleeds and nonsensical monsters? For added fun, in every game you're given a broken radio that crackles with static as monsters approach you, and that’s capped off with a sound- track that will send chills down your spine. This is a series of games that most of us are too scared to play alone. Despite the fact that some parts of the plot may be a quick laugh, the games are eerily creepy, = D Arts and Entertainment <== suspenseful, and non-formulaic. I really wish they could make horror movies this good. I urge anyone who can convince someone to watch them play, to go out and get one of the Sv/ent Hills from 1-4. Silent Hill 1 was on the PS1, 2-4 are onPS2 and 2 is also on Xbox. So you’re covered as long as you’re not a Nintendo-exclusive person. Damn, I really think there are some kinds of fumes down here, but that brings me to the last but not least, the game that’s so bad it’s scary, Evil Dead: Fist Full of Broomstick. This is a game with everyone’s favorite retail clerk, Ash. Is this game scary? No. Does it have great game play? No. What it does have is a button to make Ash make “Ash-like Enough said. an remark.” So go off and game for your yearly dosage of scaring (hopefully [’ll be gone from this fume-ridden base- ment by then). Hey, maybe I need », some sort of jewel key or crest to get out of here. But at the very least, hopefully this crackling radio will get reception sometime. +O ee