= © Culture the other press e fmandaflikman e submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca October 22, 2003 The Other Press Pub Night Amanda Aikman Culture Editor Have you ever had that dream? The one where you are at school and everybody else is dressed normally but you are wearing an Oktoberfest costume? Well that dream came true for five of us lucky OP’ers on October 16. You see, the pub night that took place was sup- posed to be Oktoberfest themed. You may not have been aware of that fact, as the only indication was a lone banner in the concourse and a centre-page ad in last week’s Other Press (which did not appear on newsstands until mere hours before the event). But it was. Honest. It’s not like we're just a bunch of crazy people who like dressing up in Germanic garb. Well okay, we are. But this time we had an actual reason. And even though we may have looked incredibly stupid, we still know in our hearts that we are cool. Besides, admit it girls, how hot did Production King Gerard Then and David Lam Representative Munir Amlani look in their Lederhosen that night? Wait—don’t answer that. The problem I find with reviewing Douglas College pub nights boils down to one thing—beer. Lots of it and at very little expense to me, the poor student. So although I have pieced together a vision of the greatest night ever, | must admit that my perception tends to be a little tainted on those rare occasions when I partake in the alcoholic-type beverages.. One thing I can say with certainty though, is that considering the torrential downpour and the other options for entertainment that evening (I myself opted against the Grandaddy show in favour of hanging out at school in a suspiciously Swiss looking German girl costume), the turnout was pretty darn impressive. Everywhere I looked there were shiny happy Douglas College students playing pool and video games, drinking cheap BEvERages, getting down on the dancefloor, coveting their free tanning minute prizes, smoking soggy cigarettes on the rain swept patio, or eating the most traditional of German fare—Subway sandwiches. In addition to the wondrous selection of dance tunes that got the crowd shakin’ their thangs throughout the night, there were also some fine live performances from some real live musicians. The sharp-dressed lads that make up The Hoodwinks treated the kids to several lively and impressively well-executed ska numbers, followed by The Solution, who satisfied all the Pearl Jam enthusiasts in the house with their professional brand of radio- friendly rock. I think this may have been the first pub night I have been to where people were actually paying attention to the bands. Oh, and if you missed it, Mr. Right Hook himself was working the door for most of the evening. Of course, those members of the I Hate J.J. McCullough Club who didn’t get a chance to insult him in person are welcome to keep sending their precious hate mail to him here at the Other Press. At least someone is getting hate mail around here. pees Page 10 e hittp://www.otherpress.ca