Opinions Top Five Places to Study on New West Campus 5. The main DSU building 4. The Pride area of the DSU building (very quiet and has couches) 3. The upper area of the library 2. Empty classrooms 1. On the multicouloured Other Press couch Best place to rock out at 30-second intervals: the sampler juke box in > the main cafeteria. Best place to get laid on campus: The OP couch, and we won't even make you buy us Best place to work up a sweat and stare at someone's ass cheaply and legally: Douglas College weight room hopelessly out of : Any and all streets leading | é away from Front . Street. Top Five Menu Items at the New West Campus Cafeteria http://www.otherpress.ca « Page 17 e the other press © (The Best Place for Ice Cream by Barbara K. Adamski I've got to admit, gelato just doesn’t do it for me . . . it’s just not creamy enough. Corrugated cardboard-like cones get too soggy; waffle cones break or, even worse, leak out through the bottom. How’s a girl supposed to remain dignified with sticky gooey stuff dripping from her hand down to her forearm? Look no further. The perfect ice cream can be found right here on campus. The humble ice cream sandwich is back big time. Wonderfully creamy ice cream — not ice milk, not gelato, not sorbet, but good ol’ fashioned melt-in-your-mouth guar gum- and carrageenan- added cream and modified milk product sand- wiched between two not-too-hard, not- too-soft, but just right chocolate cook- ies. Who could ask for more? But wait — there is more. Don’t forget the entertainment. Oh yeah — major entertainment. Remember _ those machines in bowling alleys and other cool hangouts? Those glass-encased cranes that are supposed to allow you to pick the stuffie of your choice for only a dollar (although I swear the stuffy of my choice was always weighted down with rocks!). Well, now, for a mere 50 cents more, you can experience the same thrill and be a winner every time! The ice cream vending machine next to the main cafeteria in New West has a nifty little vacuum-type gadget (I’m thinking, I really don’t know how this amazingly fun-to-watch piece of equip- ment works) that hovers over all the ice cream bars, hones in on your choice, picks it up, and drops it into the little bin for your greedy little hands to grasp. What a rush! Everyone’s a winner! And just you watch — friends and strangers will form a crowd around you and ooh and aah as you covet your treasure. Sure beats walking away with a stuffed key chain-sized whale and whispers of “loser” as you make your way to the bowling shoe rental counter to get more change. \ J