the Other Press July 8,1991 Two views on the myth or reality of Canadian unity During the summer students from Quebec and Asia wishing to learn English as a Second Language attend Douglas College to participate in an English immersion program. meee The Other Press cts the students in this pr ram t¢ submit opinion pieces, ‘spo entertanment or news stories fo publication. \ The following two athe are from students from Qu ec participating in the rr program. by Renaud Cardinal . \u This is the big question’ lot of Canadians are just fed up \ about hearing about this | important to take a quick decision. The actual situation is very emotional, and that is why we have to step back and remain cool headed. We cannot decide on our future in such a bad climate. The misunderstanding between Quebec and the rest of Canada is not a new one. The trouble with the FLQ(Front De Liberation Quebecoise) at the beginning of the seventies was surely one of the first signs of this misunderstanding. The emergence of the PQ(Parti Quebecois) in 1976 stated clearly a which is debated in Quebec. A\ Nig question, but the question is too \ the feelings of Quebeckers at Sometimes it is very hard Marc I think if you give more that time; Quebeckers wanted to for Quebe of by — Sate power to each province, that be recognized as a distinct en we see We all know that are some could be a way to start getting society which was differen arhing of our provincial flag or prob a right Canada out of theeconomic hole from the rest of er the news. It’s hard to, Mg Meec , the weare in right now. some years_9 understand why a big city like ‘separatign of Qa d many What about the cultural feeling Sault St. Marie adopted ‘ 3 Otherd&sues whieh wall certainly question? the fi, unilingual policy. It’s sure these bring @bout migum@erstanding I don’t think that the fact * facts cannot be generalized, but {ino a cal that we (English Canada and hey damage the unity of nt of “French Canada) have a different vanada. There are more than /¥ie EDEC. cultures is a good reason to be a ,000,000 Francophones all #7 separate country; it is possible oss the country(one qifarter © 2 ; for different cultures to coexist the populationges, Cart iy money pi in the same country. are not cannot B ao »WOeR oul) ; But there’s something a minority. The epec wi quite we \ cultural group must keep; a HON 1S a UNIQUE PD y pride in themselves. In Quebec pian gover iGeficits’ot is feeling is quite strong. pate vith it carefully. . By billion’) ' Bourassa, a federalist, tried und : ly Anglopho 600. CP stop the separatist movement ople are well-respe ough the Meech Lake accord \ Film peckers just want to ff k it’s toy i is exi cond din the same gi@y”placedipn my should Fedde tee pete oft nebes td t Canada. really fard to shift that ple and keep Quebec in st J pouty OF pis. county "tite Spay Hot a. But it failed! mind oe eee Pig P PY Pest entity It’s like Canada just said to distinct very large count ink wy t need thal Quebec,"We don’t want you, we that th natural resour : ‘ don’t need you any more. obvious Canadiapg and of Canadi try i@>better The \é ho _t@people on different'a