_PAGE 4 THE OTHER PRESS SEPTEMBER 21, 1983 | Explanation _and proofreading. Val Carlson who was interested in ’ Staff Box & | ALL THESE PEOPLE EITHER WERE AT THE OTHER PRESS LAST MONDAY NIGHT [OUR PRODUCTION NIGHT] OR AT LEAST SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. Wendy vanHalderer formerly interested in typesetting and layout. Sandra McMillan who did everything but sports. Jane McIntosh who was interested in photography layout and photography (not sports) John MacGougan who remains open to suggestions. Paul Andredla who likes sports and (maybe) photography Alex Katona who is definately interested in photography. Robyn Hickman who likes typesetting photography and layout. Jocelyn Cagnon who leans towards news and sports. Dave Watson who is a creative column writer. Sean Valentini who is a photographer and waits on tables in his spare time. Bill Reid who drives a car or whatever.Ernest Robert Thompson Hawker who is the business manager and has a very long name. lan G.Lyon hot shot news reporter. Rose Sojka who likes layout and writing.Lorraine S.2?Dawn kelly who’s into news, layout and general writing. Eddy Alexandre who’s_ into photographry and graphics ect. Peter Boulanger |review- ing live theatre. Rory Helgeseu who seemed interested in typesetting and sports. John Denerfeld who came up to me in a bar and said he wanted to be a photographer. Lisa Greenlees who likes news and features. Martin Hemerik who is into sports and also has a car. Mary Palffy with an accent over the a did fly in from Ottawa to be our ad person.Dan Hilborn who is still on U.l.and was running around confessing guilt to terrorist activities. lan Hunter -who isn’t really back this year again.Brian Pharez who missed the last bus to Po Co. Caroline Hardon who dosn't want to be production manager ever again. Dave Balderstone good at what he does. Sean Balderstone Dave’s brother and is soon to defect our ranks into the SS. Chris Page is not here this year either. Peter Julian at least offers you freedom of choice, Pat O‘Doherty proof up. Niether did Diane Hebron and Vic Cromerty.Cathy Makowich and Murray Budden lash out against sexism. Though not all of the above showed up to our production night or, if they did, were not included in the staff box. Those who did will not get in next time unless they show up the next Other Press production night on October 3rd or attend our meeting in the Other Press office September 29th from noon on with special [pleasant] surprise after meeting. The Other Press will normally publish all letters received, subject to such provisos as appropriateness, due regard for libel, taste and length. Writers should aim to keep letters under 300 words; longer letters may be condensed to meet space requirements. Priority will be given to Douglas College students and employees. All letters must be signed and ‘include a phone number for verification purposes (though this will not be printed). The staff will consider requests to withhold the author’s name in special circumstances. Letters and opinion published in the Other Press do not necessarily reflect editorial policy Letters may be brought to the Other Press office in room 2305, located off the main concourse in the North Building by the Student Society area, and _ slide submissions under the door if no one is in. The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester by the Other Publications Society. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national — newspaper advertising cooperative, Campus Plus. { V3L 5B2 i Phone; 525-3542 Mailing Address: The Other Press Douglas College Box 2503 New Westminster B.C. Other Press room 2305 (under the door) Restraint smokescreen by Bill Hardwicke The so-called ‘‘restraint’’ program of the British Colum- bia government is probably one of the most contentious and most discussed programs anywhere in the country. The programs that are in various stages of debate in the B.C, legislature, are supposedly designed to save money for John Q. Public taxpayer. In reality the program is not one of restraint but one of a GIGANTIC SMOKESCREEN. During the last election, un- ion action against the govern- ment became quite militant as the ‘‘working class’’ attempt- ed to bring the public’s atten- tion to the anti-union bias of the governing body. These union people did not appear with paper bags over their heads to cloak identity, but were up front and iull profile throughout the campaign. No doubt it does not take very much intelligence to put nam- es to the faces of these union people, and inaugurate a sys- tem to get rid of these ‘‘ungrateful’’ clods for biting the hand that feeds them. the proposed legislation, if allow- ed to stand, would make it simple for government to sing- le out any one that did not agree with their policies and dispose of them without much trouble. The so-called ‘‘restraint’’ pr- ogram has been around for about a year or so but, in fact, little or no restraint has been practised by government. “Do as | say, not as | ald axiom tor sure, but one quite apropos in today’s sit- uation. The Socreds are telling us one thing and then doing something entirely different. Just look as some of these dandies that are kicking around-all on borrowed money: a. $125,000,000 B.C. Place Stadium $189,526,750 b. $600,000,000 A.L.RAg (unkown-my calculator couldn’t handle it) c. $1,000,000 Advertising (unable to put a handle on this one also but it will be cons- iderable. (a guess but could be much higher) How do you like the fore- going for restraint? And they are now talking of putting a fancy edifice on the edge of cont. on P/10 TOP SECRET NOMINATIONS for positions on the Other Publications Society Board of Directors close at 10:00 hrs on October 5, 1983. The Other Publications Society is the Publisher of the Other Press. Responsibilities include allocation of funds within the Board’sjurisdiction, approval and supervision of the Society’s business manager, and various sundry duties. Five positions are open. These positions are open to ALL DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENTS provided they have signed the Society book in the Other Press office in room 2305. The elected Board appoints a chair person with past experience on the paper. Voting will be held on Oct. 6 and 7, 1983, from 10:00 to 16:00 hrs in the Other Press office, and 10:00 to 14:00 hrs at Maple Ridge Campus on Oct. 6 only.