INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 17, 1990 SV XLN ZA AZZ ANIA AS NX Lene ec espe trmamagmenacpe se beh ccan essay VK oom pe ee ee Re om, OOF TS. | WAIN I tet Sa pet has ecco DR ice Mle Ct Nas ae (604) 520-5400 Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Earth Day at Douglas College, Monday, April 23rd ouglas College celebrates Earth Day 1990 on Monday, April 23rd. The theme for this celebration is recycling. Faculty, staff, students and administrators are working together to establish a recycling program on campus. Let’s make Monday, April 23rd a day in college history that marks the beginning of a campus-wide INside INSIDE APRIL 17, 1990 Spring Awards Letter of Appreciation Seacrulse winner HRD Art Acquisition Athletics Computer Course for Staff Forum on Child Abuse Allegations oO ion in | |W IN Ih o Group Advising & Briefs Self-Esteem for Women 8 recycling program! Think: "Reduce, Re-use, Recycle and Conserve Energy." What can you do? Choose at least two: * Bring white and coloured waste paper from your office to coffee or lunch — drop it off in the concourse. ¢ Find out who is your departmen- tal recycling representative. * Refuse to use styrofoam — bring your mug. * Tum off unneeded lights. ¢ Car pool or use public transpor- tation today. ¢ Fill tires — the vehicle will use up to 10 % less gas. ¢ Leam more about protecting our environment and about recy- cling by spending a few minutes in the concourse visiting the dis- plays. Bring a friend or colleague. "We can no longer afford our wasteful habits. It’s "Back to the Basics", time for a return to the three R’s: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. Refuse, too, to buy polluting products, and Re-think your be- haviour." - Margaret Atwood, 1989. Earth Day at Douglas College has been organized by Com- munity Programs and Services. Suggestions are welcome — more information is available by calling Geraldine Murphy at 527-5046. @ COLLEGE ASSEMBLY Wednesday, April 25 4:15 - 6:00 Douglas Room Please see attachment at back of the Insider.