DOUGLAS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION FOLLOW-THROUGH QUARTERLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1985. RECOMMENDATION IN PROCESS/ NUMBER SUMMARY INTENT COMMITMENT/ INSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTED UNDER REVIEW 16 & 17 Deans will be requested to carry out an annual review with their Curriculum and Planning Commit- tees of the consistency of Divisional plans with the College Philosophy. The commentary resulting from this review will be presented at a Divisional meeting, annually. The Directors and Chairmen of the educational departments of the College will be consulted re further efforts in this regard. X DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES out 18, 19, & 20 More general under- The computerized monthly reports standing of budget to the college units, which are processes and amounts. | now functional, will continue. Directors and Chairmen will be requested to provide a budget update to their Departments, as a regular item of the agenda at Department meetings. Copies of working documents will continue to be provided to representatives of the DKFA, the BCGEU, and the Student Society. The Bursar will be requested to publish a summary of the annual expenditure plan in the MAD HATTER following College Board adoption. X 21 More adequate cross- At least one meeting of all mid- college discussion managers will be held annually to regarding use of consider and advise the Deans and capital. the Bursar on College capital needs, within the context of monies available. X NOT IMPLEMENTED TO DATE