Notice Board » ? THE FOLLOWING NEW MATERIALS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse (cassette) B a The Asbestos Strike (slides) Behavioral Management of Anxiety (multi-media) Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia (multi-media) The Blanketstiffs (slides) B.C. Mining Frontier 1880-1920 (slides Browning, Robert (cassette) Canada & China (cassette) Canada's Foreign Relations 1867-1919 (cassette) Canada's Foreign Relations 1919-1945 (cassette) Canada's Foreign Relations 1945 to present (cassette) x .Children in Crisis (filmstrip/record) Chinese Nutrition & Herbs (cassette) Controlled Fasting as Treatment For Chronic Schizophrenia (cassette) Coping with Stress (cassette) Current Advances in Nutritional Research (cassette) Diplomacy & Foreign Policy (cassette) Elements in Schizophrenia (cassette) Evolution: Abiogenesis Vs, Biogenesis (cassette) Evolution & Extinction (cassette) Evolution = Theories Past & Present (cassette) Foundations of Criminal Justice (cassette) Foundation - Azimov (cassette) French Speaking Settlers on the Prairies 1870 = 1920 (slides) a aad Naa ae ed ata a a ee a LI aa eee IO LOINC I Tn Fundamental Elements - Fire Protectio (slides) Future of Psychiatry (cassette) How to Listen More Effectively Pt 1&2 (filmstrip} h Loss & Grief (filmstrip/record) 2001 Space Odyssey (cassette) Keeping B.C. White: . 4 Anti-Orientalism (slides) ors Management By Objectives (cassette) Mixed Scanning Relaxation Training Programme (cassette) Multimedia Centre (filmstrip/cassette) Non-Verbal Sexual Communication (cassette) Ranching Frontier In the Canadian West (slides) Rape Investigation (slides/cassettes) Relaxation Procedures for Warmth (cassette) Relaxation Training-Programme (cassette Residential Architecture (slide/cassette) Russia for Canadians (cassette) Salmon Cannery Workers At Steveston (slides) So You Want To Live fo 100 (cassette) Spanish Cooking, Foods & Wines (filmstrip/cassette). Structural Elements - Fire Protection (slides) Subliminal Advertising (Cassette) Tale of Two Cities Peeseatica) Theory of Aging (cassette) Treatment of Japanese Canadians During World War II (slides) Upper Canadian Furniture (slides) Urban Development in Central Canada To 1850 (slides) Winning Ways for Working Women (cassette) The,,Film Booking staff at the New Westminster Library are now ready ‘to receive your film requests for the Fall Semester. The earlier the lists are sgabmitted, t he better service we will be able to offer. .----