FEB 25 (O75 Vancouver Community College, Regional Offices, 2nd Floor, 675 West Hastings, Vancouver, B.C. V6B IN2 Telephone (604) 688-1111 February 21, 1975, Dr. George Wootton, Principal, Douglas College, McBride Blvd., New Westminster, B. C. Dear George: May I take this opportunity to extend our invitation to you, and any members of your staff, to attend the second Open House of Vancouver Community College, Langara. This event is taking place Sunday, March 16, 1975 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Langara campus, 100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver. Every department and every program will be open to the public and on display for the interest of those attending. Although this time and date may not be convenient for you, kindly consider this an open-ended invitation to tour our facilities at Langara any time you may wish to do so. Cordially, tc ie 2 ee , PS ' A ee hee T. J. Gilligan Principal. TJG/dmk