INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/APAIL 17, 1991 Part-time Program Review functioning well. Despite all efforts, problems persist for part-time students enrolled in Early Childhood Education, Therapeutic Recreation and Community Support Worker. If the Child and Youth Care Counsellor program is successful in its proposal to move from a one-year program to a two-year program then its part-time component may present increased problems related to program completion time, availability of courses, and so on. If this occurs, these problems will require future review. There is no single type of in- structional delivery that will serve programs equally well because of distinctive characteristics of each program. The programs vary in duration from less than a year to a full two years. While they all serve students who are working and studying concurrently, the clien- teles vary considerably in their ability to access college courses, e.g. shift work is common in some social service occupations and some occupations do not readily lend themselves to worker sub- stitutions when an employee is away at college. The general recommendations (in contrast to the program- specific ones) can be summarized as follows. Not every recommen- dation applies to every program. 1. Increase the number and sequencing of part-time course offerings (consistent with the FTE program profile). 2. Include course sequencing considerations in budget planning and publish the sequence for students. 3. Establish a computerized Student Information System to track part-time students for student advising, course planning and long range budgeting. 4. Assign time to faculty to advise part-time students, schedule forums, and liaise with Student Services and the Registrar’s Office. 5. Explore the feasibility of specific academic advisors to work directly with the Department of Social Services and Allied Health. 6. Develop challenge mechanisms for both theory and practicum courses. 7. Explore alternative delivery models such as Weekend College, short courses, and independent learning modules. 8. Where possible, offer the option of day courses to part-time students, especially students with disabilities. 9. Investigate ways of dealing with financial strains placed on students on practicum. 10. Investigate with the Registrar’s Office how part-time students can be notified sooner of their acceptance into programs. 11. Ensure adequate assistance with registration for students with disabilities. 12. Maintain communication with part-time students for at least two years following their last AWARD WINNERS course. 13. Explore the possibilities of extending the hours of operation of some college service such as the Bookstore and Student Services. @ Greg Maynes, second year Psychiatric Nursing Student, receives the Faculty Association Award from Margaret Meagher. Over $72,000 in scholarships and bursuries were distributed to 220 students at the Douglas College Foundation’s Spring Awards Ceremony held on March 26th.