October 15, 1984 thie Mad Hatter _A Douglas College Newsletter Accessing Learning Support Services For Resource Centre With a grant from the Ministry of Education to supplement current sup- port services for students with spe- cial needs, the Access Learning Re- source Centre has been established. A warm welcome is extended to Jody Pilling who has been hired as the Learning Assistance Instructor. The major function of the ALRC is to provide assistance to students with special needs in accessing reg- ular college courses/programs. The aim is to provide services to dis- abled students who require individ- ual assistance, assessments, and skill preparation in order to meet course/program requirements. The ALRC would be responsible for: - providing remedial assistance for students with learning problems - educational assessments to ident- ify learning styles and deficits - offering instruction in skill preparation - providing individual services to enhance accessibility The ALRC services are available to students with physically and/or sen- sory handicaps, learning disabil- ities, and emotional handicaps. ferals for services must be made through Gladys Loewen, Coordinator of Adult Special Education at local 2791 in the Student Services Centre. The ALRC is located in Room 2710 in the Student Services Centre. Jody's local is' 2710. Ref- Disabled Students It looks like this will be a busy and exciting year. As the number of students with disabilities in- crease, the need for support ser- vices also increases. A wide range of support is available for students with disabilities and the faculty who teach them. This in- cludes physical, sensory, emotional or mental handicaps as well as learning disabilities. Services include: - readers - notetakers - writers - researchers - information about disabling conditions - brailling if necessary - taped versions of textbooks - photocopying service to copy a classmates lecture notes - learning assistance Please contact Gladys Loewen at local 2791 if you have questions regarding a student or need as- Sistance.