RECOMMENDATION NUMBER SUMMARY INTENT 40 42 ae 45 & 46 47 & 48 49 50 & 5] Enhancement of College efficiency and effec- tiveness through adequate orientation. Enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of College operations through better orientation of new faculty. Enhancement and recog- nition of performance by faculty members. Long-term planning for capital investment in office equipment. Provision for systematic advice regarding educational computer systems. Openness of evaluation system for job assessment. Openness and appropri- ateness of job descriptions and expectations. DOUGLAS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION FOLLOW- THROUGH QUARTERLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1985. COMMITMENT / INSTRUCTION A joint College/BCGEU Orientation Committee will be formed, as per the collective agreement. Directors & Chairmen will provide to their Deans a statement of procedures used for orientation of new faculty. The mid-managers will be consulted regarding a possible standard orientation program for new faculty. Following implementation of Recom+ mendations 2 & 23, such a system will be devised and implemented in consultation with -the DKFA. The Bursar will be requested to table an office systems develop- ment plan with the Management Committee. The Manager, Systems & Computing, will be requested to re-establish a standing advisory committee, which will ensure that the College is aware of developmental needs, and appropriate development sequences. Job classification and description criteria will be made available upon request to any college employee. Personnel Department will be requested to ensure that job descriptions in the College will be updated, in consultation with administrators responsible for each Department, and opportun- ity for comment by the employees involved. IMPLEMENTED IN PROCESS/ UNDER REVIEW NOT IMPLEMENTED TO DATE