Mad Hatter Page 8 United Way Appeal This year, the United Way Appeal at Douglas College is being organized out of the Public Information Office. If you have any ideas on how Douglas College can raise money for this very worthwhile endeavour, contact Bill Bell at 520-5400, local 4802. THIS YEAR, THE UNITED WAY APPEAL WILL NEED ALL THE HELP YOU CAN GIVE IT: Trade Unionists Endorse “One Day’s Pay’ Concept The annual fund drive of United Way of the Lower Main- land relies heavily upon a major response from trade unionists, and I'm n very proud of our members’ tradition ' . of giving generously. Our society '. remains under stress due to high unemployment and the residual effects of the recession; United Way has responded by establish- ing twelve “Help Lines for the Un- employed” within a number of its Agencies. Organized Labor be- lieves that “WORK A DAY FOR UNITED WAY,” through payroll deduction, represents a fair giving standard and an equitable way of making your donation. | urge all union members to support Campaign ‘83 so United Way can continue its vital work on behalf of everyone within our community. ART KUBE Immediate Past President, United Way of the Lower Mainland President, B.C. Federation of Labor. ABOUT OUR FRONT COVER Six-year-old Louisa was born with cerebral palsy, and has for three years —half her life—received speech, physio- and occupational therapy through Vancouver Neurological Centre. Louisa, aided by a “walker? took her first steps in June of this year. fe aie She’s Taking Her First Steps... WILL YOU?