DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES | ea Planning is underway for expansion into vacant space on the second floor of both buildings. An Open House is being planned for late September, so watch for the announcement. --.. Surrey Campus Management REVISED POLICY IN DEPENDENTS' ELIGIBILITY FOR _ COVERAGE UNDER THE MEDICAL SERVICES PLAN Recent legislation has been passed which changes the "Age of Elig- ibility" for dependent children. Effective with this notice, only those dependent children meeting the following requirements will be eligible for medical coverage as dependents: 1. Mainly supported by the subscriber; and 2. Unmarried; and 3. 18 years of age of younger; or, 4. 24 years of age of younger and full-time attendance at a school or university. Former dependent children not meeting the above qualifications should apply for their personal individual coverage on a regular application form. NAME _ CHANGE Please note that I have changed my name from Margaret Clarke to Helen Clarke: I am at local 255 at the New West Library. ---- Helen Clarke ORTON SOCIETY The Vancouver Branch of the Orton Society will hold a parents' group fall meeting Monday, September 24 at 7:45 p.m. at the Van Dusen Gar- dens. A parent of a dyslexic will speak, followed by a commentary from a professional in the field. For further information contact Bobbie Katz at 733-5908. — more -=_