issue 18 // volume 44 humour // no. 19 Umi... Jel$ my data Ted, it's 90 important mmeter Franklen. |” ian't adding ub. Can " thet We become indepentant, Hey ; : ypu adjust the formula f Self - guGFicient av capr ble No Ne ever thing's fe. ol a o§ solving our own problems. 2 Because | quit! Wetch I" deal with one FF a Ot cp ae SOINOD EVER NOTICE HOW STORES YEAH, LIKE, THE FRUIT T HEARD THAT THEY DO THIS TO OF THE SAME COMPANY | SECTION 1S BY THE BAKERY AT |] CONFUSE CUSTOMERS, MAKING THEM ALWAYS HAVE A DIFFERENT) THIS ONE, BUT AT THE OTHER |] SPEND MORE TIME IN THE STORES. LAYOUT! ONE WE WENT TO IT WAS OVER bY THE DATRY. HE'S MAKING STIR-FRY... OR IT'S GOING TO BE A VERY INTERESTING NIGHT. comic by Rella Comic by Nuclear Jackal comic by Ed Appleby