some of the Body and Soul cast feel is part of an old theatre’s appeal. “Theatres are notorious for paranormal ac- tivity. | can’t say I've ever been in a theatre that doesn’t have stories of unusual occur- rences,” said Tracy Labrosse, a Douglas College theatre alumnus who has been with the Vagabond Players since 2013. “Whatever spirits linger at the Bernie Legge Theatre are welcoming to me. It’s a strange and magical place,” said Jeremy Heynen, who has been with the Vagabond Players since 2015. The theatre has been investigated by several paranormal groups in Metro Vancouver, irfcluding several times by Northern Paranormal Investigations. “Apparitions have been reportedly seen from the stage, seated in the audience: A woman in white and sometimes a man ina tuxedo,” said Holly Fynn, an NPI investigator. “On one occasion, a director was alone in * the theatre, perusing a script at the coffee bar. Suddenly, music started blaring from the stage. As he headed towards the tech booth to see who was there, he passed the de@ors into the auditorium and saw that the lights on the stage were flashing too. He got to the tech booth door. The music and lights stopped. The door was locked,” she said. Body and Soul features lots of sound effects, voiceovers, projections, and more that require excellent timing and delivery. It is an interesting choica to premiere the technical production at a theatre known for its paranormal-related technical glitches. “I’m pretty sure we've angered the spirits of the Bernie Legge Theatre with this show. We have definitely had some strange things happen during rehWearsals that | wouldn't rule out as ghostly doings,” said Labrosse. “There were flickering lights, strange noises, and a few random and weird ac- cidents. Some of them were explained, others were not,” said Heynen. “Northern Paranormal Investigations has investigated several theatres and many other historical buildings, as well as private residences throughout the Lower Main- land and Fraser Valley. The Bernie Legge Theatre remains one of our favourite loca- tions to investigate,” Fynn said. “It is a great theatre both from a cultural and paranormal standpoint. | would say that it is paranor- mally active, but there is absolutely nothing there to be feared or concerned about.” Rick Pedersen, a paranormal investiga- tor, medium, and founder of the Society of Paranormal Incident Research Inves- tigation Team (S.P.I.R.1.T.), investigated the Bernie Legge Theatre in 2009. “| had several experiences that were quite in- teresting while | was there that one evening,” he said. “I clearly sensed the spirit of a little girl skipping rope and playing out front. | also sensed a male spirit in the theatre seating.” LJ “In the basement, there is a room where they store a lot of props and furniture, and it was in that room where | sensed another spirit very strongly,” he said. “There are loads of vintage cloth- ing, jewelry, props, and antique fur- niture that have been donated to the theatre over the decades,” Fynn said. “Antiques, used furniture, and possessions can retain energy and may also have a spirit attachment. Spirits can attach to a loca- tion or to an object if there was a strong emotional connection,” Pedersen said. “| have memories of late evenings at the theatre, painting a set on my own while down in the paint room or the props/shop area, and hearing someone walking upstairs. When | went up, there was no one there,” Keath said. “There is a lot of energy in theatres: The energy from the actors, the energy from the audience, and electrical energy. It is thought that spirits sometimes try to utilise those ener- gies to assist them in manifesting,” Fynn said. “| have a supernatural encounter every night when | step on stage to do Body and Soul, and I'd like nothing better than if people would come out and experience it with me,” said Alex Ross, who has been with the Vagabond Players since 2014. Body and Soul tickets start at $15 and can be purchased at The show will be playing Thursdays—Sundays until October 29 at the Bernie Legge Theatre in Queen's Park, New Westminster. 7 @ ®)