COMICS Cartoon by: JJ McCullough Poanqutluten yee ~) 9 Gu By Brady Ehler Buddah, you look beautiful Oh, Jesus of us | should tell you )) though, My father would not approve I'd be crucified for But hell, if he had it his way I'l make some water into mankind. wine WHAT AM I EATING ?/ SCRAMBLED EGGS? MASHED POTATOES? HOW ABOUT DRAWING SOME. FOOD TI CAN RECOGNIZE?! YOU CALL THIS A CAR?! WHERE'S THE DETAIL? WHERE'S THE NOD TOA PARTICULAR MAKE AND MODEL? WHERE'S THE FREAKIN’ VIN NUMBER?! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF BACKDROP 15 THIS?/ NO JUNGLE FAUNA ? NO ALIEN PLANET SURFACE? THE CRIMCAL COMIC STRIP CHARACTER SERIOUSLY, YOU STOLE “THIS IDEA FROM A DAFFY DUCK CARTOON. DIDN'T YOU? - ‘ HOME - 3 white ninja by Scott Bevan sr | oe ee Bae ee Eph spe 2 cep The ladies x from “trying to fear my clothes off all of the {\ {] time. | fearher... ] Hey there, handsom \ | Have Youeven washed Your hands since breakfast ? Tf you want te ge+ babes like me, you'll have to uP | your hygeme ocks Aude cr http: //majorstudioproduction. blogspot. com