Pub Nite Friday by Sandra Fox These are the positions available for this year’s up- coming Student Council ele- ctions. Surrey Campus Chairperson, Coquitlam Campus. Chairperson, Om- budsman for Surrey, Rich- mond and New Westmin- ster, as well as campus representatives for all cam- puses. The campaigning commences on Tuesday, September 9, with the nom- inations closing at noon on Tuesday, September 16. Elections run throughout September 23, 24 and 25. For further information call $22-6038. There are two upcoming activities that may be of interest to Douglas College students. The first, is a Welcome Back Pub Night. Pub Night will be held Friday, September 12, from 4 p.m. to midnight. There is a limit of one guest per person and students must have proper I.D. to accom- pany their students card. Included in the evening are full bar facilities and danc- ing. , The second is a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. The Clinic is being held Tues- days, September 30, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend as the clinic needs the support. Bus passes are available for October at the New Westminster business office after September 22. The October at the New West- minster business office after September 22. The October passes will be sold at the Following campuses; New- ton on Friday September 26, 9 a.m. in the cafeteria, Richmond on Friday, Sept- ember 26, noon in the lounge and at Winslow cam- pus on Friday, September 26, 3 p.m. in the cafeteria. Crashley runs for rep by Pat Worthington No stranger to student politics is John Crashley and acting Surrey representative who hopes to bring his expertize to help the student population. Crashley’s aims to end student apathy at Douglas College students involved at dances and pub-nights. ‘‘Attendance at pub-nights and dances could be in- creased,’’ Crashley said, by booking more live bands. “In addition, more services for the students would help eliminate apathy. One idea Crashley would like to see implemented is a suggestion box which would be installed for the students to air their grievances and to Bernstad new treasurer by Bill Lingenfelter Ron Bernstad, treasurer for the Student Society in the 1980 fall semester is on the job. He says that this year he is hoing to ‘‘keep very well balanced and kept bud- get and book which the auditors will enjoy looking over’’ bernstad has drawn up a tentative budget based on the minimum amount of money that is available. This will change as more money is received. He must then take the budget and present it to the student council to be approved. ee ae Bernstand says that about the same amount of money is available this year as last. When asked why he ran last April, the former stu- dent rep said that friends suggested he run for Stu- dent Society, so he decided to run for treasurer. He then said that it was a pity that he had to win by acclaimation. Bernstad also says that at this time he does not know what is going to happen to the treasury when the split of Douglas College into two sparate colleges occurs next spring; but there will be a meeting next: week to go over the matter volunteer any new ideas. John takes a stron stand on the up-coming college split. He does not feel the college should break uo because students taking courses at both colleges would encounter difficulties. When the colleges do split, Crashley would like to see identical courses available to students attending either college. After the split experienced people will be needed to run the new multi campus, Crashley says. A new presidential position would be created. John Crashley has been wsorking for the student society and for the work study program for some time. “T helped at the pub-nights and went to campus meet- ings, as well as generally helping the student society,’’ he said. John is in his fifth semester at Douglas College working towards a BA in psychology and hopes to complete his education at SFU. 30 Re ag ll om laine aaah ia |! by Bill Lingenfelter .