6) WLD/ym #2 organizational modifications that could ease the pressure on open classrooms in our present main building. Al will be providing further information on this matter in due course. We expect that decisions in this regard, would become effective in January or September 1989. It is of importance that the temporary removal of amenity space from faculty and staff be rectified by January - a commitment made to the college community. Bev Miller, Acting Director of Social Services and Allied Health, has consented to make up a team of people who will review past and present amenity space available to faculty and staff, and make recommendations to the Management Committee on the matter. This report is expected by the end of October, and will be shared with the college community. Bev's committee has been asked to explore the possibility of arrangements other than a simple return to the previous room configuration - for example, an enlarged and upgraded common facility for all college employees. Bev's group will be providing further information, and calling for input in due course. Mad Hatter 6