if. GAME me CS PM SEPT. SEASON OPENER FOR INTRAMURAL SPORTS - Friday, September 6th. BFAR CREEK PARK, King George Highway and 88th Avenue, Surrey. oman BEAR CK PARK. BEER and SOCK HOP till 12 midnight -- recorded music SURREY CAMPUS CAFETERIA CONTACT: Bill Long, Chris Johnson, Robin Ryan - Physical Education Dept EXt. 236 521-4851 FACUITY v, STUDENTS A NOTICE FROM THE PHILOSOPHY AND HUMANITIES DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE It is with great pleasure that I announce the return to teaching of one of our department chairman. Donovan Jones will be teaching one section of Philosophy during the Fall term. As convenor of the discipline I thought that it only fitting that a special course be designed to meet Donovan's expertise. Accordingly, he will be teaching the following section of Philosophy: Philosophy 27-1001 "Bullshit Baffles Brains" W. Christensen of