Application for Registration ADMINISTRATION OF POST SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS (Ed.BBMGLAS CO-LECE LIDRARY Name: ARCHIVES Address: Occupation: Telephone: (daytime) (evening) Fee: Undergraduate, unclassified or qualifying credit...... $54.00 Credit toward a graduate degree Audit... cceses ee tlwe heise Si rdaad Talcins S1e 00 iwan RC CaeNa ee wes showin 287.50 Amount enclosed Please make cheques payable to the University of British Columbia and mail with this form to REGISTRATIONS, Centxe for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5. Telephone 228-2181, local 250. =! THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER 8, CANADA, TELEPHONE (604) 228-2181 FOR SALE 1963 Valiant Station Wagon In good running condition. $250 or best offer. Call Surrey Campus Loc 221 Vi Ellingson. ———— oe Jd. HELP WANTED MODERN LANGUAGE CONVERSATION ASSISTANT needed for New West campus in Russian(fluency in speech required). Availability; daytime essential, prefer morning once or twice weekly, call Neil Hill, personell Officer, New West. Student paid standard rate, up to four hours weekly.