Bel DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY | pe ES OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TEACHERS’ FEDERATION An Cpen Letter to Douglas Colle-c, Seculty, ctudents and :teff On behalf of the British Columbia iusic Jducetors associstion, ney I extend thanks and gratitude for the splendid support end co-operation given by Douglas Colle e in hosting our 1973 conference. An undertaking such ss 3 provincial conference demands dedication, long hours of work sand a willingness to participate. The sCliuéA executive is very impressed with the contribution mace by Douglas College and is indebted to everyone who contributed of their time and effort. Cur special thanks to the following: 1. The Deans, Chairmen, and Directors of Departments for their co-operation. 2. The Collece for the use of facilities. De The graphic arts, printing end audio-visual _Vraphics depsrtments for their assistence, 4. The telephone operators for handling endless calls. 5. The meintenance steff for co-operating. ¢. ‘the audio-visual depsrtment for a nenmotn, outstanding errangement of use of equipment. xtra thanks to Linde Grinsen,. ¢e The wibrery utaff for survlyine projectionists. Os. / the heist -ceoms Ge. “Une Geet Lig sors 260m stell- for aseisteonce. 103. he Book. store. Li, Pue WLOLol rs usb. 1a lé. all “ecultr members who iwoved classes j.ovember 2nd. « . €eculty members who served es cliniciens = wGily sobertson Jim wellers ,ayne ble ir Vatsuo soshina