t 7 February 25, 1980 - The Other Press a Sk a ae ae i OME FOLKS DO MORE THAN . THEY SUMPLY NEVE(2 oAays 1G” »| CEAVE Wee! | Your ATA CEI? - iY] TAIN “TUNE IN YOUR LIFE Crresum ABLY WHEN You WERE HAPPIEST) ALLOWS YOU To "REMAIN IN THAT PERIOD. G N HALLOWEOMMAICHT STREET Ws WALLY SHAE p, YOU CAN STILE Find Té6s THE GENUINE ARTKLE NO DOUBT JUST FLOWN IN FROM | did SYONE Y- (08 AN s04€) eR ee < RY CE.) mM ee eae \ THE How p with) Toceien A BOLSHEVIK (nN TH WHITE Hous€ 2! J% HEY, AMAN..LIKE OTy 1S MUGK MORE THAN A SUPERACIAC ARE wn ete WOICATOR OF THE wpa! OF A CUCTURE--Com- PARE THE FLAMGOYANCE OF : with THE "NEW WAVE” IN FASHION FoR THE ‘BOSs-- “KEEP A Low PRO- FILE” LOOK mrens nr oe STRA2Z2ULO. LLY DIE EACH FAL. GO-GO BOOTS JUST HERE . ane of CAN'T RE FLXED AGAIN!" J KEEP THEM ALIVE -- bacardirum. — it before you: MUX It. page five Question: Are you going to the AGM? Richar Yee: Yes, | would like to know more about student functions within the college. Sherry Heale: | may con- sider it. | don’t think there is much you can do there ‘except yell and scream at each other. arla McClelland: No, I’m part time student. Ne (This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the) purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper. All letters and opinions much be typed at a 60-stroke line, ‘double-spaced and must bear the name of the writer for reasons of validity. Submissions which are not signed will ‘not be published. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should either be 450 or 900 words in length due to space and layout requirements. We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions longer than specified will be edited to size. j \ Deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. Tuesday. ee