Caroline Hardon For those of you who read my last editorial, please dis- regard it; I looked at the new campus and I guess it’s al- right. Kind of awesome.. Post-CFS Conference, and faced with many unfinished chores, it suddenly occurred to me that.the new campus offers something extra that everybody (I hope) didn’t notice. The possibilities for suicide at that place are un- ending! I decided that the ul- timate would be to jump through the plate glass roof of the concourse (did anyone ever consider golfball size hail when they built that place?). The cafeteria food may also be.a possibility for killing oneself, but we will opens. Another Soseibility I considered: was hydrochloric acid, I suppose you're won- dering what relevance that, would have té the new cam- pus? Last: Thursday, ‘that pool of yellow stuff the men the floor of the concourse was hydrochloric acid )that can’tibe safe' for one’s health can it?). For those of you who are into death by automobile, Nei find that out if the place ever : were scrubbing around on | there are a number of electri- cal wires hanging in the un- derground parking area that could be useful for electro- cution. I think what I'm try- ing to get at is that the new campus is uncompleted in some areas, and these areas are potential health hazards, so stay away from them until they're completed. The topic of suicide is gen- erally a morbid one, and some people say I have a sick mind, so if you don’t like what I write, then disregard this article also. P length Writers should aim to keep letters under 300 words; longer letters me be condensed to meet space requirements. Priority will be given to Douglas College students and employees. All letters must be signed and include a phone number for verification purposes (though this will not be printed). The staff will consider requests to withhold the author's name i in special circumstances.) opinion published i in the Other Press: do not, necessarily Letters an ‘reflect ier ial policy. Lecters dy be brought to the Other “New We: te mee cafeteria a dat ‘Phone: 525.3542 “ Mading Address: The Other Press will normally publish all letters received, subject to such provisos as appropriateness, due regard for libel, taste, and sees olfike at the back of the hel " - in the ee on (..and they said everyone was just dying to get in | The Other Press November 25, 1982 The move of the faculty, staff and students to the Royal Avenue site, commenced in earnest on November 5th, Friday. During the past week or ten days as staff or faculty have occupied their new office areas, telephones have been installed to enable internal and external communication to take place with as little confusion as possible. Unhappily, the new touch tone phones are proving attractive to the pilfering fringe. However: ‘Touch tone phones can only be operated on a line suitable for reception of . : touch tone dialing. These phones will not function un- less touch tone service 1s Co. at additional cost to the consumer. These phones, therefore, will not function ‘as a simple replacement for the normal dial phone.’’ 1 OPEN LETTER TO: Student Society President, Tim Shein I agree with your executive decision to leave the post of DCSS OMBUDSPERSON vacant until the Spring. The students at Douglas College need an OMBUDS- PERSON now. At this time of financial, social, and political crisi,. it is necessary to have a voice which speaks for stu- dents and which has the power of popular mandate and law behind it. You refused to discuss this issue with me saying: that you can’t go to the students every time you have ito seo tart | adecision, © | sttonly, (sic) disagree with, ipyou., : sy I. think. you have a fsoae bility to go’ to the ‘students every time ‘there: is a’ major decision to be made. have a,discussion with me. about the proposed censor-. ship policy, for posters, leaf- lets and other printed matter: which will: come into the new campus. This proposed poli- cy must be put before the added by the B.C. Telephone ‘ Security at new campus One further word of caution to all occupants of the new facility. The three levels of parking beneath the building contains space for approxi- mately 680 vehicles. The price for parking, at least until the end of November, cannot be argued with. It’s free! Please ensure that all faculty, staff and students park in this area rather than on any of the access drive- ways to other parts of the Moore complains about Shein — entire. student popu ation (sic), before you or any administrative people make a decision of this nature. You have no mandate to invoke a censorship policy at this cam- campus. The Fundamental Freedoms (#2) (sic), in the ‘freedom of the press, of ~ facility. A car belonging to a student was towed from the driveway to the library on Wednesday because it was necessary to create space for the movers’ trucks. The con- tractors’ forces are current- ly using the access driveways to the cafeteria, scene shop, and Royal Avenue entrance. Please avoid these areas to permit the work to proceed. West Graydon Canadian Charter of Rights. and Freedoms guarantee © expression and communica- tion by other media. It also guarantees the right of peaceful'assembly. Richard Moore, student } Today. you also refused. to.