Sarge: a = RS ar ee Se tet mee at mtn a, a = sover page six entertainment The Other Press Two compilations ‘‘Bud Luxford presents’’ and the ‘‘Vancouver Inde- pendance,’’ two more Van- couver compilation albums have recently been relea- sed. One is an excellent representation of Vancou- ver’s new music that ranks among the -best albums produced anywhere along the west coast this year. The other is ‘‘Bud Luxford ipresents.’’ I will deal with ‘the former first. by Ian Hunter You all remember punk, don’t you? That nasty, rebellious music that came from the _ poverty stricken Brits to become our new music and fashion craze. Well, the record compa- nies ran punk ‘‘up the flag pole’’ and too few people saluted to mass exploita- tion. So in most people’s minds, the image of punk died. But, punks are a persistant lot, and the short period of popularity punk enjoyed a lot of great bands ‘that just won’t die. That brings us to the Vancouver Independence album. This is a collection of songs from several of the more established new music bands in Vancouver. A few of the bands on this album such as the B-SIDES* MEC* and the SUB- HUMANS* have put out records recently but no one on this record has a major record contract, hence ‘‘In- dependence.’’ The com- mercial acceptability of this music isn’t too high, but the quality of the music sure is. Subhumans The METROS and the SUB-HUMANS put out some classic (and dance- able) rock n’ roll. the B- SIDES, pump out some of the best ‘‘ska’’ I’ve heard since the Specials came to town. The DROOGS drone out a Doors like J.K.O. The other bands on the record: NO EXIT* SI MONKEY* SING- ING COWBOYS and the MELODIC ENERGY COM- MISION add memorable moments to this album. Now on to ‘‘Bud Luxford Presents’’, ‘13 fine bands -playing and singing the finest music that this world has ever known’’ (the title). Bud Luxford is the P.T. Barnum of the local punk scene. He is a promoter of fuck bands. Fuck bands, in Bud’s words are: ‘‘a bunch of guys who get together from various well known bands to fuck around on stage. They have no press kit and only rent their P.A. for the time they use it, so all of the money coming to them from club gigs is pure profit.”’ Bud manages 13 fuck bands. And gosh darn if that ain’t the very same number of bands as are on this album. ; The classic garage band sound of these fuck bands are true-to-life, recorded on four tracks at the Brain- eaters studio in what sounds like the middle of a drunken orgy. With bands like, PINO ROGELETTI AND THE [.U.D.’s, doing a punk ver- sion of ‘‘Where have all the flowere gone,’’ (where has Joey Shithead gone) and Mrs. Luxford’s capitous Fish doing ‘‘God save the cod’’ in avant-garde style (far out, man), you know these guys are not serious. But this album is great fun to listen to. With its variety and irreverence to everything, this record is the ideal one to play in the middle of a pot party. TOTS IN BONDAGE* THE RAISINETTES - doing an authentic Phil Spectorish girls song - JIMBO AND THE LIZARD KINGS and the SGT. NICK PENIKS BAND are but a few of the great fuck bandws on this album. There are no credits to any of the bands as to who is playing the instruments but I have it from a reliable source that members of D.O.A:* THE YOUNG CA- NADIANS* the POINTED STICKS* and the SUB- HUMANS contributed hea- vily to this record. ‘‘Bud Luxford presents’’ may prove to be difficult to find as only 300 copies were issued, but it is well worth looking for. Every thursday at noon there is a recital of mainly classical music in the band room at Douglas College's New Westminster campus. er a by Ian Hunter Now, you might see this as something to avoid and instead retreat to your car to eat lunch with your Van Halen tapes and Mega- WKTT stereo system. But wait; there is life outside A.M.! If you think Ted Nugent is a great guitar player and Billy Joel is a terrific piano player, then you should listen to these classical guys. March 19, 198] Pe Same re A classical lunch About five times every term, the Douglas College music department brings in professional classical musi- cians for the noon recitals. The music students also put on recitals of their own. There are about ten of these per term, staggered against the pro shows. the musi- cians play music of their choice and produce a treat for the ears. This allows the music stu- dents to be exposed to something other than the A.M. noise they are usually bombarded with. So, what about it? Ex- pand your musical horizons. It’s free for all students and a great way to spend lunch. BAC AND: fMi5) PHOOUCE D BY SPECIAL AU Bacardi is beautiful by itself. Clean. Light. Smooth- | tasting. That's why it goes so smoothly with 4 sO many mixers. Add your own favourite taste F to Bacardi, and you can count on enjoying it. 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