Mad Hatter Page 6 ANTICIPATED STUDY OUTCOMES The study has four anticipated outcomes. 1. Identification of qualitative and oryanizational strenyths within the College. 2. Identification of required improvements with recommendations for appropriate solutions. 3. Provision of a data base for onyoing reference and use in evaluation. 4. Provision of an effective program evaluation system. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE A Steeriny Committee with representation from all sections of the College has been selected to provide leadership and assistance. Members of the Steering Committee are: Pat COOK cecececcccccccccccsccccccccesscesceeseees COllege Board Bit Bay sc is nce ave are ne oe ww re OE BAR ee Ow ew ew one EOI ege President Roy DAVKIN csc wccanitiwe Si wewte cwewne ve ee enerecec’s BIPPOOt Share PELEr BANSON cecccdcvsad ase sess ewoeseseeeowowecccn Faculty Richard Kitson cececcccccsccseccccsessccccsseceses Mid-Management GF Terry CIEMeENt ciccccccccccvcccccccsscccccccccceses Senior Management Student Representative sx o« se ow oe ow be we ewe sce eas To Ba he Gerry Della Mattia siivsosisesascewee ee owocenwenss Chairman and Start Officer Sub-committees will be selected to carry out specific investigations and to report, with recommendations. These sub-committee reports and recommendations will form the basis for a composite report to be prepared by the Steeriny Committee. The Steering Committee will keep the College community informed by regularly reporting to all constituent groups. Pee ae ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ial One of the tasks the Self-Study Steering Committee considers essential is the presentation of material from the College five year plan. This material outlines the legal and policy mandates of the Colleye, the role of the College, general theme statements, and the yoals and objectives to be achieved by the Colleye for the period 1983 - 88. During the next few weeks, the Steering Committee will present this material through the medium of the Mad Hatter, and will be following up with an institutional survey. 9