Ft ie eee ae } | [ cousins COLLECE: r ae te ae or S Ss ee ARCHIVES 7 PERS/SOL CITATION D DE commuNTCATION Were ag [aes gre ie POSTSECONDARY ane e mee EDUCATION POSTSECONDATRE: | fi THE SER AGENDA" L "AGENDA - CULTUREL" 30 May - - 1 June 1985 : University of Manitoba For/Pour information: Alexander Gregor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, co University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, RIT 2 2N2 | Seles re a eee | Deadline for proposals - Date limite des projets tad eral or | October 15 Octobre, 1985 isp a 7 i Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Gigetion’ ‘Societe canadienne pour 1l'etude de Tense bgnenstr, superieur | ie es - —— — — $$ $—___—_—_—— - ——- geo Rese PST Wet ee ee ee es —_—— sere al * The conserence. will deal with | both Le congrts vraitera du pests suiet de : ire sous deux vole en 7 ’ universities and community colleges, and will 1 examine culture in two | broad aspects: as a basis of communication; and as a shaper’ and ' transmitter of val ues. In both of ue. these dimensions, _ postsecond ry ‘important, ase de conmunication; ; comme objet mation et de _transmission de. vale urs. itions | “d'ensei gnement Seconda ire al sont appelées & jouer un role voire _problémat ic ue -- compte re institutions play a crucia al bu tas: tenu de la. spécificité « relle cana yet problematic ro a= e yecially so dienne. Parmi les sujets qui /Seront as they apply specitieal ty | ‘to ‘Car nada. abordés , notons: e Among. the topics me PS 2 considered . i will be: | | - i idaleace? a - le bilinguismes - literacy, in both its’ ~ Fal ee dans s sa senine f ’ traditional and its more : raditioni e mais aus sit contempo- contemporary dimensions te Radine (io) anment la dinension (as, for example, the issue of "technologique") ; ro “technological literacy" Owe = la formation générale et humaniste a gen eral and 1} Viberal “education in et sa relation a T'enseignement | their relationship to. Professional , professionnel; __ : and technical /technological | - la place et le role. des” arts. dans ; training; . l'enseignement et | les institutions - the place and role of the arts in postsecondaires. postsecondary « education and postsecondary institutions.