DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 13 THURSDAY NOON HOUR CONCERT Jane Coop, Piano Place: McBride Rm. N405 STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP This workshop will teach partici- pants how to make less stressful life choices and how to work with distressfull situations. Place: Hyde Creek Park Rec. Centre 0930-1730 Sessions: 1 $20 oo say an how to say it. Creek Park Rec. Center 0930-1630 ‘Sessions: ney. $26 BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM (WOMEN) Discover more positive ways of feeling and acting. Place: Westhill Rec. Centre Place: q ‘ime: GERMAN WITH A SPECIAL ‘TOUCH | Some oe em the German. McBride 1000-1300 Sessions: 6 Ease: e Time: Fee: $50 spacial seeaes of this impor filn. Place: | ‘Fee: 1600 FREE Time: 0900-1600 Sessions: 1 | Fee: $19 | | | | | | | : | ; | t ee aa plane oni Dey