issue 21 // volume 42 humour // no. 23 Photo illustration A heroic act of valour praised by millions > Girl quits social media, is regarded as martyr by friends Chandler Walter Humour Editor Last week history was made as Rachel McCarthy, a sec- ond year Douglas student, decided that she had had been spending too much time looking at her phone. McCarthy made the bold step of permanently deleting all of her social media pages to free up her time to pursue other interests. Her friends mourned the loss of her sta- tuses and pictures, but knew it was for the greater good. “Tt just happened so suddenly,” said friend of McCarthy and Twitter fol- lower Regina Dowes. “One day she was there, tweeting about what she was thinking about making for lunch, and the next day she was just... gone. I couldn't believe it.” Though sad at the loss of her follower and the occasion- al “like” that came with McCa- rthy being on Twitter, Dowes agrees that it was for the best. “I mean, we all always talk about what life would be like without social media, but you never think someone is going to actually do it, you know?” Dowes said she had plans to go for lunch with McCarthy later that week, but had no idea if it would really happen, as McCar- thy had no way to RSVP to the Facebook event page. Shortly before McCarthy said farewell to all of her @ mentions and cat videos, she posted a long, thought-out goodbye to the world of social media on her Facebook page. “Tve decided to delete my account. I think Face- book is sucking the life out of me and everyone around me. Twitter and Instagram are just shadows of television and books, and I like to read a lot. lam very literate and smart, and I don’t need social media any more. #BetterT- hanAllOfYou #PeaceOut.” The post instantly went viral, and many in the In- ternet community found that McCarthy’s wisdom shook them to the very core. While not many have found the same courage McCarthy displayed, some have even followed in her footsteps, casting away the hypothetical chains of electronic valida- tions. Each of these brave souls also posted long drawn out statuses, and all who read them were humbled by their complexity and superiority. When asked what she saw to be the driving force behind the movement that she had started, McCarthy was startled. “Wait what? I honestly didn’t even know, as I’m not on social media any more. | wonder what else | am missing out on...” Shortly after the interview, and three long days after her last Facebook status, McCar- thy re-activated her account, as she had merely disabled it. WILL DRAW FoR = oop oR MoN L a _ —_—" \ Image via thinkstock Artist starves to death as art plece > His genius praised post-mortem Chandler Walter Humour Editor athan Daniels has become a household name overnight, as the artist has made big waves in the community with his most recent—and final—work of art. Daniels began working as an artist at a young age, drawing grand depictions of dinosaurs and clouds using nothing more than crayons at the age of 15. He then went on to study fine arts at Douglas College, graduating middle of his class, and holding a steadfast determination to make it as an artist. It was then that Daniels began his most exceptional piece of art work: a performance art piece depict- ing a starving, failed artist. Daniels went so far with his endeavor that he would spend nights outside in the cold, beg for money on street corners, and attempt to sell small works of art for $5 apiece. No one knew that he was performing the role of a starving artist, and many tokens of these years have been preserved in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A few of Daniels’ select friends were privy to the per- formance that was underway, such as Craig Jones, a fel- low artist who graduated in the same class as Daniels. “I thought it was really brave what he was doing,” Jones said of his late friend. “It was amazing to see such dedication to his craft. Even when I finally had the nerve to ask him about his work, he was determined to see it out to the end. He would tell me ‘I swear to god, Craig, this isn’t an art piece. I’m starving and need your help, and I appreciated that, in a way, | became part of the performance.” “We all could see where he was ultimately going with his work,” Jones explained, “and it hurt us to allow him to see it through, but we serious artists know you must never tread on the genius of fellow artists. Hell, we even played into the performance, denying him a place to stay ora meal when he—sorry, his char- acter—became truly desperate.” Along with a few belongings and his old clothes, a journal has been preserved in the Metropoli- tan that Daniels wrote. It outlines the seriousness of his predica- ment, and how he was in no way starving as performance art. “You really need to appre- ciate the brilliance behind it all,” said performance art expert Bradley Ports. “His perfor- mance art became so true, so vibrant, that it convinced even the artist that it was reality.” XK this "ex, } | ne ff by David Manky, Senior Columnist ( L tho Us ht y oU Said | } | Was & fast A