If you are concerned about your own eating habits, or those of a loved one, there are resources and help in the Lower Mainland for you. Here is a list of organizations which are available to help those in need. Oo of women say that the images of women 0 in media make them feel insecure ‘hrive BC provides care for those struggling with an eating disorder, and their “interdisciplinary team has worked in specialized eating disorder treatment settings (inpatient, outpatient, and residential programs within the St. Paul’s Hospital Eating Disorder Program). Collectively, we have over 25 years experience working with people who are struggling with problematic eating (i.e. Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, emotional eating).” You can find more information about Thrive BC at 40 % O believe eating disorders are a choice www.ThriveBC.com, or call 604-928-5699. The Looking Glass Foundation formed the Looking Glass Residence, which provides support for “medically stable youth (17-18 years old) and young adults (19-24 years old) in their recovery from Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, or [an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified]. You can find out more about the Looking Glass Foundation at www.LookingGlassBC.com or by phone at 604-314-0548. For more information about the residence, contact 604-829-2585, or 90 % believe eating disorders are preventable, but info@lookingglassresidence.com. 1; admit they wouldn’t recognize the warning signs Kelty Eating Disorders provides a list of resources and information on their website at KeltyEatingDisorders.ca, where you can find out more about getting help. Eating-disorder related hospitalizations Cincrease from 1999 to 2006) fe ) Nh among children ST % of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat under AARARARARR Oo of girls first through third 0 grade want to be thinner Inforgraphic data taken from www.cnn.com/interactive/2012/03/health/infographic.eating.disorders/ and www.nedic.ca/blog/eating-disorder-awareness-week-talkingsaveslives 12 years old 37% 18% overall