Continued on Page 25.... Russia celebrates 20" anniversary of Berlin Wall collapse by re-enacting Prague Spring; 2,100 killed The Other Press Presents: Weekly Swine Flu Press Release Written by a Very Famous fbuthor Lndeed strikes particularly at those of robust health, quite in refusing their engagements, for such is the lively opposition to the usual behaviour of such a contagion. nature of this illness that it will surely leap gaily It is therefore recommended, in the strongest terms amongst any young people gathered on felicitous and by those of higher learning and authority, occasions. that young people should expeditiously take full Mr. Darcy, who is firmly assured of our respect advantage of the proffered vaccination at their earliest | by his most expert pronouncements upon this subject, opportunity. has cordially offered this address to assuage the fears Moreover, young people who find themselves of many a young person trembling in anxious fugue: affected by this ill-humour should refrain from “Heartrending tidings these may be, yet I wish to t is a truth universally acknowledged, that a joining in polite society, until they find themselves state most firmly that indeed, if we but adhere to this young person in possession of good health must quite recovered. They must be sure to regain a process, all our distresses will be happily concluded.” be in want of an HIN1 vaccination. For it is healthy disposition prior to their entering commonly surely the case, that this most virulent pandemic frequented environs, despite their misgivings at With files from Helen Clay. 18 ee Jane Austen