ETTITOR MAILBAG hese Times They Are a Changing. g changes are in the works at the Other Press. In the very near future, u can expect a fairly extensive re-design and re-branding of the paper. his will also include a re-launch of a spiffy new website that will be pre user friendly than the previous version. From an editorial perspec- re, expect expanded campus news coverage, and an overall focus on reased depth of writing in every section. In short, we’re switching ngs up a little and working harder to provide the best weekly paper ssible. One vital ingredient to help us achieve this goal is some new pod. We’re always interested in drafting some energetic new writers to r fold. Are you interested? We don’t expect you to be Hemmingway. you know all the vowels by memory, then you pretty much have the quired skills to join the OP gang. Why not dare to be different and op by our weekly meeting at the New West campus in room #1020 any hursday at 6pm. ev Hargreaves Hitor In Chief e Other Press zienwo svitoeges) tier of triphyaqoo eis 2epsiri HA