Once donations are made directly to an eligible institution, the institution is expected to submit an application for matching grants to the Matching Endowment Fund. Matching grants, if approved, are paid directly to the institution. A donor may make a contribution which will be matched in one of two ways: a) If the donor wishes to endow a scholarship or bursary for a specified purpose, then the government's matching grant will go into the institution's general scholarship/bursary endowment fund, and will not affect the value of the donor's scholarship. b) If a donor wishes to endow the general scholarship/bursary fund (i.e. does not specify the recipient(s) of the scholarship), then the government's matching grant will serve to double the value of the scholarship(s) endowed by the donor. The recipient(s) of the scholarship/bursary will be at the discretion of the institution. Institutions will be expected to submit to the Ministry, on an annual basis, the following: - statement of earnings and expenditures for endowments funded by matching grants; and, - information on the scholarships and bursaries funded from the Endowment Fund, including the number and amounts of scholarship and bursary awards. Where the Ministry has matched funds to a Foundation rather than the institution itself, the post-secondary institution remains responsible for reporting to the Ministry. The purpose of the endowment may not be changed without the prior and mutual consent of the donor or his/her legal representative, the Minister and the institution. ALLOCATION PROCESS: For each year, eligible institutions will be allocated a maximum amount of dollars that will be eligible for Government matching funds. The matching dollar allocations will be based on annualized full-time equivalent student enrolments at each institution. Institutions will make claims against their allocation on a quarterly basis. After the 2nd quarter, a review of each institution's claims against their allocation will be made, and where an institution is unable to use its full allocation, a reallocation may occur.