MAD HATTER 10 TO: ALL FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS c/o The Mad Hatter It's that time of year again, New Year's Resolutions cause a dramatic increase in the number of people registered in our noon hour fitness classes. However, some faculty and administrators have expressed an interest in taking part in a regular physical activity session, I have booked the gym for such activities on Tuesday 11:00-12:00 (combatant room), Wednesday 10:00-11:00 (gym), Thursday 9:00-10:00 (gym). It will be a drop-in session and the activities will reflect the interests of the participants. There will be instruction for those who require it, and we hope to include such activities as basket- ball, volleyball, badminton, soccer, floor hockey, "minor games" where the emphasis is on fun, participation and smiling and a little bit of sweating (sorry, perspiring!). If you are interested, please call me (Chris) at local 5400. I would like about a dozen names to make it worthwhile, and we will try to commence the sessions during the week of 19th January. GOLF ANYONE? ? Corridor golf seems to be the latest alternative to aerobics, jogging, working out and other more strenuous activities which people indulge in rather than lunch. Therefore: TIME: Thursday, January 22, 1987 12:30 p.m. EVENT: Corridor Golf Staff and Faculty ONLY. PLACE: 4th Floor by Admissions. EQUIPMENT : A putter or other suitable golf club. I will provide golf balls and score cards. If you would like to compete in this trial competition, phone me at 5338 to register before January 20, 1987 4:00 p.m,