ace 18 Coquitiam This Week My Crappy-ass Suburban Jobs Brady Ehler, Coquitlam Correspondent When I first moved down to the coast, I was set on finding a cool job. I didn’t care if it was a low-paying cool job, just as long as it bestowed some small amount of sheik—and didn’t involve much heavy lifting. In retrospect, my idea of a cool job at the time was a little skewed. My short list included: Video Store Clerk, and Coffee Shop worker. Eventually, years later, I realized my dream of slinging coffee, only to real- ize it was a pretty lame job, but I never made video store clerk. The other job that I thought would be really cool was working at a music store. I still think that would be a pretty sweet gig. Unfortunately, as I learned in my early job-hunting days in the Tri-Cities, all the cool jobs are taken. Between coffee shops, video stores, and music stores, I must have handed out over one hundred fifty resumes in five months. What’s worse is I didn’t even get an inter- view. It’s fucking hard to score a cool job in the Tri-Cities; the HMV in the mall gets twenty resumés a day. The Starbucks will periodically hold hiring fairs, at high schools, and half of the student population will show up. Long story short—if you don’t have an in, forget about it. So, for nearly three-and-a-half years, I had to content myself chop- ping vegetables and peeling potatoes. I have had to clean fryers and stock cereal at night. I’ve sorted dirty old auto parts and arranged them on pal- lets. I’ve cleaned soot off ceilings with sponges and cleaned floors with mops (sometimes with no soap). I’ve cleaned up dog shit and piss, usually with little thanks. Throughout my endless string of terrible Tri-City jobs, I have, save ONE occasion, had to take orders from at least one complete dipstick. Because of asshole bosses, or my dis- pleasure with boring or tedious work, I have (except for that one job) not held on to a single job for more than three months since I’ve moved here. Fortunately, I’ve finally acquired a cool job, working at pub. It’s great, I get to listen to live music, screw around, and be social. But guess what? It’s downtown. What a shock- er, huh? I should also mention I’ve been writing for your friendly campus newspaper for three semesters now, for which I receive a small amount of money. It’s been a lot of fun, but it’s time for me to move on. So, if you’re a writer, and enjoy artistic freedom, apply for the Coquitlam position, you might even get to meet yours truly. If you're cute, I'll even give you an auto- graph. snew CD you Hate? Know about something? F Now’s your * chance! email: othereditor@yahoo.c for more information. a