INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / JULY 3, 1990 \ Student Loan Workshops for Students Happening Now! July 1990 Dental AUaIBTy a 6k Se Hs PUY S ve as WAT OCT ks es ae 6-8:30 pm Al prOerAINe. 22.82 we ek yay 2. w, RTE See sa oes 6a ee ae 9:30-12 noon BTN a 2 ae sey PO ee xs Mh ics Fog ey ye dee Ets baton Rag 6-8:30 pm WILE 208, ua Oo SURF TD seats s: EEE ce ol he eh soe Min es Gea Bae 9:30-12 noon Al Progra o.oo ok aw ed Tay eee MELE nth wees Budatiee viv Ho le aie es 6-8:30 pm AU RRORTES | 1 Sn sed nis « 62x Wy it an... Mie ris ee es ae a see Oe 9:30-12 noon All eR Ss Caen cass JURY SD an oes Tas bk 8 ioe high + waa aw ee 9:30-12 noon PU PMGINS 3 6 ks ce aS FU Te ss es RE ek ns oo as eo ee Pa 6-8:30 pm August 1990 Pal progianas 4k WS a et VE a at es wi ss ee oak a hee 9:30-12 noon Pal DWOMTOINS 552 as ele POT 5 6 20 6 oh ee ke OO es 6-8:30 pm PR UREN: 56 ay oo bee POURS oy MAE a is cia ny ek 6 5 a ee a 9:30-12 noon AU HORTA oy kOe Bs OA PURE TUG SRA 6 o's hist ee BS sw Wo ett td 6-8:30 pm PU DIORIRINS oi ci. he ies ME Ca te oS Ges oe eg Os wa ee 9:30-12 noon PU PORTER we Sa a Wee a WRN TE ie AOS ils ove 6 eee eo ole ee 9:30-12 noon For more information, please contact the Student Finance Office, Room 2710. SAY Wuat?! “If I were a red-blooded Canadian and could think of a way of fighting off Madison Avenue and Hollywood without damaging the liberties of my countrymen, I would get about the work immediately.” —Richard Rovere, American writer