work primartly in the vocattonal subject areas taught at Newton and should have expertence tn one or more of these subject areas. In the case of Langley, knowledge of the community and experience tn agriculture are a dectded asset. The Langley Consultant will be ap- potnted on a half-time sesstonal basis and the Newton consultant will be appotnted on a quarter-time sesstonal basis. Applications should be sent to the Personnel Department. Selection will be by interview. Competitton closes July 31. Be RS OF OLDS COLLEGE-CHAIRMAN, BUSINESS & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT The Chatrman, Bustness & Humantttes Department is accountable for the management, administratton and superviston of the department. The tneumbent supervises a staff of 14 instructors and is responstble. for the running of department programs whitch include secretarial arts, fashion merchandising, ltberal arts and academics. Salary range: $26,480 to $34,420. (under review). Interested appli- cants must provide resume, tneluding names of three references by July 4 to: The Personnel Office, Olds College, Olds, Alberta TOM 1P0 4 Rack SEMIAHMOO COMMUNITY TELEVISION SOCIETY The communtty volunteers of Chan- nel Ten community televtston for White Rock and South Surrey have formed 'The Semiahmoo Community Television Soctety.' The objec- tive of thecSoctety ts to promote communtty programing tn White Rock and South Surrey and to strive to achteve active citizen parttetpa- tion tn the process of local com- munity televtston programing. We are looking for more people and organizations to become members of the Society. We also need more volunteers to help wtth present programs and to develop new pro- grams for the coming Fall season. We have set membershtp fees at $1.00 per person per year and $5.00 for clubs and organizations per year. There wtll be workshops on community televiston for any new members wtshing them. The programs on our communt ty statton are produced by and for those who Lltve in this community. The more community partictpatton the better the programs will be for all those involved. Recently we recetved a project grant from the government to allow us, using the time and talents of a group of local students, to make publte service commercials for service clubs, communtty or- ganizations and public facilitttes tn our area. These 60 second com- merctals wtll highlight the act- itvittes of the organization and give relevant information about the club, group, or factlity to our vtewers on Channel 10 all next year, between our local programs. For further information call the Channel 10 studio at 531-2929 or Tont Green at 536-2095. ko RO DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY Noe ec aly ? é The Mad Hatter its a D.C. newsletter published bi-monthly during the Summer sesston. Deadline for sub- mtsstons ts Thursday noon. For further tnformation, contact the- Information Office at $255.